
Twitter is an insane echo chamber on Biden right now and I don't think they realize it
panic has more contagion than don't-panic
i realize that there is a certain amount of arrogance inherent in me saying "your opinions are the result of an echo chamber, but I, here on this much smaller network, have opinions which are not" but like, my opinions are based on primary sources!
I am comfortable in my ability to recognize my own cognitive biases and account for them. It's literally my job to be good at that process. Most people are *very* bad at it.
But if you are able to identify and account for your own biases, you can absolutely sit in an echo chamber and be better informed than someone else in a different echo chamber! Happens all the time.
“It’s possible we’re all idiots in echo chambers” is not the most fun way to use social media but it’s probably the healthiest way. Not us, obviously. We’re just Built Different. But everyone else…
the thing is, most people do not develop or voice opinions from the perspective of "what might I be missing".
I think the real trick is being aware of my own assumptions and able to both be wrong and change if I am wrong. The real danger of an echo chamber is it convinces us we are right and "everyone is saying it!" I appreciate Bluesky because people will disagree with me here, with data!
But also this place has been absolutely ridiculous with panic since the debate.
Big difference is you don't have a bluechecks vs randos dynamic here, and since the panic is concentrated among the bluecheck commentariat it really gets amplified over there. You're more likely to see both panic and don't panic here and can evaluate the arguments.
Wait you’re saying liberal Twitter is even worse
I really need them to figure out what a self-fulfilling prophecy is, sooner rather than later, because uh my ability to lead a remotely happy life kinda depends on it
those of us who are most likely to see our civil rights crumble before our eyes do *not* seem to be the ones postpostpostposting our fantasies about changing candidates
Like Facebook studies show… bad news generate more clicks than good news
I believe the news business discovered this long ago.
Yuuuup… the incentives on the interwebs are perverse
I was referring to before the interwebs, but the interwebs seemsnto add to the volume.
That most regular journalists still hang out there is a huge problem
My husband’s vibes and mine are just totally different (not in a way that’s causing strain, to be clear), but I think it’s entirely because he’s on Twitter a lot and I’m not.
I could probably get rid of anxiety entirely if I just kept to Facebook/IG.
I tell myself this every day and yet
Mine’s dedicated to Reddit, a site I can simply not understand.
I am once again stalwart in my belief that Biden won the primary and the general in 2020 because he completely ignored Twitter.
This insistence in a social media context leads to the tiresome retreading of the same concluded bullshit in ways that saps enthusiasm for Beating The Shithead In November. Even if it is a small push towards inactivity and resignation, it is one. Be adders, not subtractors.
the logical leaps and assumptions that are being taken as fact on Election/Polling Twitter are truly insane. Some decently reliable and levelheaded people on there becoming overnight brain geniuses that believe Biden stepping down as a result of growing and unstoppable political tide.
One fairly reliable data/polling guy yesterday was posting about how Whitmer tagged Kamala Harris before Biden in a tweet, and how this was an obvious signal that Whitmer was breaking with the administration. Absolutely poisoned by 2017-era palace intrigue nonsense.
I think a lot of the shitter/more famous journos haven’t moved out and assume they’re not now in a Nazi waiting room
Folks being like “you were so right Astead, he’s really old!” Like cmon
I'm just am observer, but I see it too. Just absolute certainty with seemingly no comprehension there's only one relevant decision maker who can get you from step A to step B, and no one has a theory of how to persuade him.
Biden on a media blitz this morning indicates that the situation is larger than a single social media platform, no?
The thing that everyone has been insisting he do to prove himself?
"Everyone" and "Everyone on Twitter" are very different things. The first demands movement and response, the second doesn't. That's my point.
Nah, man. Switching from "he's gotta get out there a lot and give people confidence" to "this blitz shows they're panicking" is bad-faith bullshit.
You mean this blitz that just so happened to start right before Congress returns instead of immediately after abysmal debate performance? You see what this suggests, right?
That you are working backwards from a conclusion.
Reddit is pretty bad too, lots of bot-like accounts repeating talking points. At least Bluesky seems to have gotten over the worst of it.
going back on there and seeing ostensibly left(?) journalists(?) sharing a video of trump in the 2000s to go "wow he's so quirky and funny and likeable, unlike biden"...boy, i dunno about that place
i’m sorry but i’m getting massive 2016 hubris vibes from all this. we are just one premature “congrats to this future 2 term president” Dark Brandon twitter post to achieve a new level of Hell
I mean part of the reason that came to be is that large media publishers spent months focused on aggrandizing a relatively minor email server compliance issue with the objectively stronger candidate, so there are definitely 2016 vibes. How we react is our choice.
I also remember a weird sequence of events unfolding a few days before that election Nov 1 or so: all media reports that there's more emails that are being looked at Nov 1-7: anticipation of what is in these new emails Nov 8: ... Nov 9: sike! We were kidding about the new emails. I'm still mad.
(I might be off on the dates, those whole two last months of 2016 are now a blur to me)
Yep! Anthony Weiners laptop, no new emails from Hillary, just evidence that her adviser's husband was a huge creep.