
If you’re going to blame Jose Andreas for his aid workers getting killed, what are we doing here? It sure feels like you’re using dead bodies to score online points and shit, if that’s your movement you can count me out.
The goal of a political movement is to bring people together, and if you’re just going to try to prove your own purity you’re not going to attract anyone!
I mean it's certainly bringing together the not insane to keep those lunatics out of the room where decisions are made.
Honestly amazing how this conflict is just a race to having the shittiest take at any given moment.
Is that useless excuse for a person boots on the ground herself or typing from a comfy chair paid for by Putin?
Same with Ukraine. And same with Syria back when they could’ve stopped it.
Jose Andres is one of the best people on Earth. Fuck this person.
Also, it's like... let's say he did believe this in October. People can change. People have very clearly changed on this issue in 6 months.
Also, Chef Jose Andreas is not responsible for creating and implementing a coherent foreign policy re Israel! His job is food! Literally let him cook
His org has served tens of millions of meals to the starving people you say you care about, sorry his tweets have not been ideologically pure since the day after Hamas’s incursion but which of those two things is actually mitigating the genocide in Gaza, feeding or tweeting?
What the fuck is this? And like, are there ten people on earth who have more positively affected Palestinian well-being in the last six months than José Andrés?
I remember when Mohammed there claimed that October 7th was a false flag Israel did to "justify a final solution on Palestinians."
What an asshole. Just a total, useless asshole.