
As long as we're all talking about how naive Liz Breunig is, remember when she said the end of abortion would lead to better policies for parents?
maryland being out of alphabetical order is really fucking with me here
Oh no now I can’t stop seeing it
Massachusetts taking up more space than they’re entitled to, again.
New York and New Jersey are flipped too
I don’t think that she’s naive, I think she knows exactly what she’s doing and that she doesn’t care
I honestly think it's more disrespectful to call her naive than a liar, because it's insulting to imply she's dumb enough to believe the horseshit she writes.
the theory can’t fail, it can only be failed
States who force birth don’t have guaranteed paid family leave, and states with paid family leave don’t force birth. How does that make any sense? Oh yeah... abortion bans are really about control and not about babies or families at all.
It’s also about punishing The Wrong Sorts Of Women for having children out of wedlock, or for having “too many kids” while also barring them access to birth control. Babies are at once a punishment for “sin” & capital to fuel their eugenics campaigns.
Like, these folks have a massive hadron for corporal punishment, to the point where they get angry at policies that could potentially reduce the crimes they demand be corporally punished.
Rhetorically, that was a complete self own as she was proven to be incorrect almost as soon as the piece came out Of course, her career was just fine, she still writes for The Atlantic
See, what I saw with Breunig and other "reasonable pro-lifers" in the aftermath of Dobbs was an attempt to undermine efforts to fight back by convincing us the best harm reduction we could hope for was letting them get what they want right now and collaborating on (never to arrive) welfare solutions
"I'm sure we're all shocked by this, in a vague way that means I won't clearly say this was a win for me, but right now what we ALL need to do is think about vaguely helping Mothers And Babies and NOT think about mobilizing to restore reproductive healthcare access."
I cannot believe that this is how so many US states treat their women. It’s an abhorrent law & the male law makers should suffer some similar deprivation of control over their bodies.
Yes, why not regulate mens ejaculations?? Wasting all that sperm. It’s criminal.
That's cause most Abortion-Ban activists and politicians aren't pro-life, they're pro-birth. They don't give a flying fuck about your life and well-being after you're out on the table. Very important difference.
"If you're pre-born you're fine, if you're preschool, you're fucked!" -George Carlin back in like, the 90s because nothing ever changes
Nothing is Different. Nothing is the Same.
To be fair, a lot of birthers seem to think that way, for whatever reason; that abortion needs to be banned before we can provide the support that actually reduces the demand for abortion. Of course none of them can ever actually explain why abortion needs to be banned first.
Funny how the GOP exists to push the agenda of "small government", just small enough to fit in your doctor's office and your bedroom. They claim "conservatism", and "Freedom", while liberally making restrictive laws and banning even books. A vote for the GOP is basically a failed IQ test.
Yeah, in the red states, you can live the Handmaiden’s Tale but not allowed to read it.
Very solid line, did you hear that somewhere outside your head? I'm definitely going to end up repeating that one! I now realize that appears sarcastic, but I don't know how to fix it. I'm being genuine.
Yeah, somebody else posted it as a comment. Sounds about right. It would be sarcastic if it wasn’t true.
"better policies for parents" = forced births in order to try and "save the white race" or some racist bullshit
Also, punishing poor white girls for having intercourse out of wedlock, then snatching up their babies to sell to eager white Evangelical parents to be indoctrinated into Good Little Soldiers/Broodmares For Christ.
I'm sad that my state which is quite progressive is not in the blue circle, but glad it is not in the dark circle of oppression.
Forgot to give credit to Sam's Bee for this entertaining and informative segment.
lol kansas is on neither of these, as a state that constantly baffles coastals,
as a Missourian it kills me to have to give Kansas credit for being in a better place politically now!
well the constitutions of kansas and missouri were written chiefly by slavery abolitionists and slavery practitioners, respectively, so u end up with things in Kansas like: extremely strong bodily autonomy laws
hey, uh (um) (apologies) what's the matter with kansas?
the matter is that we are generally not sending our best to the national stage but rather people like thomas frank and robert riggle don't say 'paul rudd' like he's not actually from france,
steve doocy 🤢 john carmack 🤩
just don't look into any opinions john carmack has about stuff that's not computers
oh no, oh no I promise I won't
Damn it, I'm going to get labeled a Bruenig stan, but... IIRC Liz argued that since the anti-abortion types were *getting* bans they should now make good on their claims to be pro-life and improve the quality of life for pregnant women. At which point all anti-abortion activists laughed & laughed.
But at least she got to make the sad Pikachu face, which I think might be all the payoff this argument ever has?
Does she make the sad Pikachu face when these inane ramblings turn out to be the inane ramblings they so obviously are? I'm not so sure.
"It's so strange how they don't share my incredibly bespoke politics. I'm going to be disappointed for a while and then set myself up for yet another disappointment." As someone who also has incredibly bespoke politics, though very different from hers, I think that's hilarious.
I honestly think she's just an Evangelical Texas mean girl with a St. Augustine fetish who doesn't like to think of herself as mean so she only does it for good causes like banning women's health care. And eventually gay conversion and a bunch of other really shitty stuff.
I'm over here like "yes, consumer capitalism is what's making us weird, and that's good actually. Markets and diversity are natural companions. Accelerationism either includes trans rights or it's crap." But no sad Pikachu from me. I know I'm nearly the only one who thinks that way.
So… the states that want you to have babies also don’t want you to take care of them. 😒
She’s not exclusively naive. She’s a nitwit.
Doesn’t Wyoming have the highest suicide rate for 5 years running? Asking for a pregnant friend. 👀
so proud of ohio for being in neither list 🥰🥰
Didnt NC State gov cut a deal to get pfl for an abortion ban? My sister in nc (who had a baby this year) told me this.