
I’ve seen a lot of “X won’t solve the problem, Y will” and with respect, nothing we individually can do will solve the problem, which is why the problem is not solved. The thing we can do is to solve problems together.
Find people who you can solve some kind of problem with. There’s enough problem that as long as you grab hold of one end and start rolling, we’ll get things done.
You don’t have to know how the thing you’re doing right now is going to solve the problem. You don’t need to defeat the Big Boss on your first battle. Just find a quest and follow it and then keep on questing.
It’s okay to not solve THEE problem, and just A problem. Whatever problem you end up solving is going to help people. Keep doing that.
I am good at a lot of things that feel like they would be adjacent, and want to be able to volunteer more effectively with some of my local groups, and I figure that’s one place I can do just a little bit more.
That’s a thing I am giving myself to learn and do, to try to build something that will help people and is harder to dismantle. Pick a thing that sounds right for you. Do it.
Thank you, Courtney! Organizations always need effective fundraisers. Asking for money can be awkward, though I found with practice it can be effective and rewarding. With your background I think you'll be great at it.
OH YAY!! I am hopeful that this can be a helpful way to give people like A Small Concrete Real Thing To Do
We have loved watching these fly!!! you've raised a LOT for voting rights already!
I…was literally reading through your thread to find the right place to point this out. 🎉
I would say I got up at 6 to make sure I got a spot, but honestly I got up at 6 to get my cats breakfast and then make sure I got a spot.
I can't solve the problem But sometimes I can solve a problem So I do that
there actually is a specific thing one random person could do to solve the problem
And also accept that maybe X solves 5% of the problem and Y solves 3% and you need both AND a lot of something elses. Thinking that you can solve things all in one go with one thing leads to a lot of really dumb solutions, like solving conflicts with genocide, or a pandemic with just a vaccine.
I tire of people pointing out all the problems. I want to hear possible solutions. Even if we start with ridiculous suggestions, the lines of communication are open. I write fiction of possibilities. I know I can't be the only one. C'mon people! Get those creative juices flowing!
I don't know. I am pretty sure that X (formerly known as Twitter) won't solve this problem. Never heard of Y though. Will have to check that platform out.
You ever see a room full of Democrats trying to solve a problem? Believe me, it is awe inspiring in its ineptitude...