And a group that goes after big tech for not being MAGA enough certainly won't go after the regular media...
1) I don't know the future, am not an expert nor do I play one on TV 2) How is it that there is a measurable group of Never Trumpers FROM the GOP who will vote for Biden AND 3) Most Dems say they will vote for the Dem candidate BUT You get these poll numbers. Are there that many swing voters?
Hope she sues and never has to work another day in her life.
Our Front Page:
15 July 1941 | The SS duty officer on that day recorded in the registry book that the following prisoners were shot during an escape attempt: at 8:30 a.m. prisoner number 18013 (Jew Karl Bachstütz); at 8:35 a.m. prisoner number 17477 (Pole Jan Świerczyński), at 8:40 a.m. prisoner number 17476 1/4
On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
15 July 1937 | A French Jewish girl, Jeannette Rotbaum, was born in Paris. In August 1942 she was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.
Wait - Sunday Sabbath or Sat Sabbath? How restrictive will the no work requirements be?
Sometimes... it's hard to fight despair.
The media likes the horse race. It sells, they get to be excited. Policy stuff doesn't get the juices flowing
I have a bunch of different devices (windows/chromeos/linux). I'm leaning on shifting to Mac until I retire, and then I can move over to linux (need some software that doesn't run on linux for work).
You need a more sith-like robe.
Love pop, have it on a 2015 MBP that someone disposed of. I think when I retire I'll move everything to Pop.
Absolutely. I'm not sure exactly where I stand on gun control. I'm understand the argument "I didn't kill these people, so why should I be restricted", but I have a problem with no restrictions on firearms and who should have them (I know it's more complicated). But I do believe in self defense
And a firearm is a damn effective way to defend yourself.
Thought I replied.. And you are totally correct, Trump and his terminally online people wouldn't care.
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
IANAL, but how the hell was it even a question. Shouldn't the answer have been "social media isn't the government, why are we even being asked this question"?
Yes, I remember how quickly they decided the 14th amendment didn't apply (have to decide quickly, an election is at stake). Immunity. Let's drag this out as long as possible.
But what about the liberal activist judges. Won't someone talk about that issue??
A lot of people aren't terminally online and political like me. People see Biden act bad, and NYT and other outlets say "he should step down", but nothing for Trump. How many people go "well, he can't be that bad, NYT isn't calling for him to step aside. I'll vote for him."
And by him, I mean Trump, if that isn't clear.
It wouldn't be a bad idea for NYT to mention something like this? Something like - for the good of the country, biden should step down. We'd say the same thing for trump, but he's a dangerous nutjob who wouldn't do anything for the country. At least point out the differences.
27 June 1936 | A Slovak Jewish boy, Joachim Gerstl, was born in Veľké Kapušany. In June 1944 he was deported to Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.