
Requested a ride and then, because 50% of Lyfts and Ubers these days are Teslas, almost mistook the wrong guy in a Tesla for my driver. He wasn’t happy about it. Sorry dude, didn’t realize you were just a douchebag.
You might want to look into how the gig economy is hurting laborers, safe working conditions, and wages that keep up with the economy, etc.
I'm well aware. Tech bros don't like organized labor, safe working conditions and good wages for workers.
It's funny more people don't see the big picture and how it hurts workers, their fellow human beings. All they can think about is $. It would help if the U.S. had modern and efficient public transportation systems like the rest of the industrialized nationas have.
Yeah, it’s pretty awful. Unfortunately, in LA, there aren’t always other ways to get around.
I remember a person who I'm a fan of online used to live in Los Angeles with her husband for a few years and she was saying how abysmal public transit is in the city
It’s AWFUL. The buses are extremely unreliable and take forever to get anywhere. The metro only goes through maybe 1/4 of the city, because people in Beverly Hills have protested the expansion. You’d still need a car to drive to the station, then drive to your destination after.
I went to USC. Visiting, my mom got on a bus without knowing where it went. Me: Why did you get on a random bus? Mom: I figured it would take me around campus Me: Why did you think that? Mom: You told me you took a bus two weeks ago. Me: Yes, when you asked how I got to the downtown library.
This was in 2001, neither of us had cell phones at all let alone smart phones.
Sounds like Atlanta, only with superhighways everywhere instead of 4-lane roads.
Don't forget that there's no dedicated bus lanes in most places so the bus gets worse in traffic and there's *always* traffic.
My son just moved away from Riverside, as a non-driver he was able to use the regional trains to get around but often had to use uber or lyft to make connections at one end or the other. He arrived in Portland yesterday, walked over to the river last night and watched the fireworks 💥
And of course the trains were mostly set of for commuters so they don’t run back and forth all the time
It's better than most of California but it's still kind of half baked. Much better than the high desert though, I was living in Apple Valley until recently and I never left the house because it was a mile walk to the nearest unreliable bus stop
Yay LA finally caught up to Budapest... 1973 Budapest, that is.
NIMBYs are the worst.
I've also heard that a lot of Florida's public transit is also garbage which also breaks my heart
What the fuck is even the point of Metro if you have to do all that extra work
That really breaks my heart I would have assumed a megacity like Los Angeles would have had this stuff figured out by now fuck I'm genuinely heartbroken
It’s wild to me that the reason LA has such terrible public transit is essentially the plot of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, if the bad guys won.
Tell me about it. The city of LA has some options. Not great ones. The LA area (outlying cities) are a huge sprawling hot mess that requires getting on freeways to get anywhere else. It is an area that grew with of use of cars. The freeways are always a mess. Welcome to transportation Hell.
Yeah - LA probably has the worst transit of any major city in the US, and perhaps any major city in the developed world. Downright embarrassing.
What’s strange is that it used to have a pretty decent red car train system that went all over the LA/OC area. It was dismantled in the 50’s when cars and freeways became the norm.
Yeah - that's a fascinating and horrible bit of history to go discover. Lots of the inner suburbs started out as developments created by the train systems!