
Requested a ride and then, because 50% of Lyfts and Ubers these days are Teslas, almost mistook the wrong guy in a Tesla for my driver. He wasn’t happy about it. Sorry dude, didn’t realize you were just a douchebag.
At this point I wouldn't let someone *give* me a Tesla. Forget the Cybertruck. Like, a regular one.
You mean that you don't want to be locked in a car while the batteries under your seat start on fire?
You see the stuff about all the Amazon electric trucks catching fire? It’s not Tesla but I like to 💩 on Amazon too so I’m allowing it
I hadn’t seen that. Batteries can be very dangerous in many ways. I’ve seen an 8D deep cell marine batteryexplode, almost killing my friend. On another note, I imagine that as new battery technology is integrated, most of these old vehicles (including Teslas) are going to the scrapyard.
You can get out of most cars, when they malfunction for any reason.
I don’t want to have to give a dime to that fascist fuck Elon.
All fantastic reasons never to buy a Tesla.
It would seem that there are drawbacks to years of promoting that Tesla and Elon Musk are one and the same (or is it one IN the same, I'm never sure).
While we’re chuckling, he is consolidating control over worldwide internet access.
Good. I hope Telsa's stock drops as far as it kan. I've seen his X submissions and dude is a masturbatory asshole who turned twitter into Gab light. I mean some of the dumbest, most racist muthaphuckas are on there now
Ooo ooo oooo...let me be in the face to face focus group and let me tell the liar to his face that the ONLY reason I'm not buying his shit is 'cause _he_ is shit.
Remember how for a while that if you saw a PT Cruiser there was a 75% chance it was a rental car because no one was buying them? That's Tesla/Rideshares now!
I went to Maryland on a business trip and they gave me a PT Cruiser as a rental while I was there, but to be fair it was a really nice car and I thought "maybe I should buy one of these"
As someone who fell into that bucket once, I understand completely. The cargo space was great (didn't need it), the driving experience was "soap box racer made of foam core, but somehow slower."
In the same era, I attended a wedding where everyone rolled up in a rented HHR, including me.
Apparently it's also Mustang Mach-Es and law enforcement vehicles now too. I saw maybe 3 on the road before this week and that number more than doubled because my local cops slapped blue LED flashers on some black, tax-funded midlife crisis mobiles.
Stephen Fry used to own a black cab, and found it easier just to take people who jumped in the back where they asked, if it wasn’t too out of the way.
I almost broke a door handle on a uber driver's Tesla. My bad dude, its literally never been an issue in the 30+ years I've gotten into cars.
Imagine how great a story he could have had: "Bro, I'm chilling in my car, and Mara freaking Wilson opens the door and starts to get in thinking I'm her Uber driver." Instead, he decided to be a dick and now we all get to mock him.
I guess at least you didn't have to ride in that guy's car for 20 minutes or whatever it was
True! Instead I had a middle-aged man who was a big fan of Selena Gomez’s early music 😆
And he kept hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat
I am very convinced that if I hadn't been friends/mutuals with some Disney Channel actors during my days on Twitter, and I hadn't spent time signal boosting tweets of certain causes they advocated for then, I wouldn't have met you. I don't know the exact details, but I think that's how I found you
I remember it involved some kind of tweet about some charity cause or event someone I followed wanted me to retweet for them, to get the word out about it, and it had various addresses listed on they wanted me to direct the message to. One of those addresses listed was @MaraWritesStuff. 🙂
The only reason for him to be said about that would be if he considered Uber and Lyft drivers to be somehow beneath him.
It’s only happened to me once (I don’t drive but I had a black suv rental car when I was moving a few years back) but it’s valid to be freaked out when a stranger randomly gets into your car.
And then you go lol oops you’re Mara Wilson not a carjacker, but it’s not always because you think you’re too good to drive for rideshare. (I would if I had a car.)
Back in the 90s, Ford Taurus had a limited number of key designs, and I and another person at the same high school had matching keys (and same colored Ford Taurus). Quite the discovery when you're unlocking the car and someone you vaguely know is putting their stuff in your car on mistake.
Wow wow wow you thought you were too good to be a rideshare driver in the 90s. Could be a billionaire venture capitalist if instead you had simply invented rideshare.
I had limited imagination in high school, apparently. Not certain if it's gotten better with age.
"you just looked like someone trapped in a profitless independent contractor gig"
Would have been funny if you said “do you know who I am?”
As someone who drove Lyft and Uber for a few weeks some years ago, I cannot fathom buying a Tesla just to haul various incontinent vomiting drunks around the city with it, clean it fastidiously, and then wait at an airport in it. All while knowing if somebody looks at it wrong it will break
One time I came out of a supermarket, got in what I thought was my friend's car, and I was chatting away and putting my seatbelt on before I turned and saw this horrified woman sitting behind the wheel I'd never seen before I felt so bad. Wasn't even the same make of car, just the same colour
I hate it. I always have to cancel the ride I just dont trust them.
At least you didn’t burn to death in his car, with you screaming “how do I manually open the door?!?” And him responding “hold on, I’m pulling up a ten minute YouTube video explaining it”
You might want to look into how the gig economy is hurting laborers, safe working conditions, and wages that keep up with the economy, etc.
I'm well aware. Tech bros don't like organized labor, safe working conditions and good wages for workers.
It's funny more people don't see the big picture and how it hurts workers, their fellow human beings. All they can think about is $. It would help if the U.S. had modern and efficient public transportation systems like the rest of the industrialized nationas have.
Yeah, it’s pretty awful. Unfortunately, in LA, there aren’t always other ways to get around.