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Reposted byAvatar Dakota
the most consistent phenomenon on this site is that the user named ‘SEMEN_HITLER_JOI’ volunteers at Food Not Bombs and the user named ‘Ashley Says Trans Joy Is Magic✨’ once kicked a dog so hard its eyes popped out
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
And here’s my guide to determining the age of an undated map xkcd.com/1688
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
As an Aussie, never having seen one except on tv, the size of a kiwi still breaks my noodle. My brain: a fluffy grapefruit, fit comfy into cupped hands Reality:
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Texting ppl “It was great seeing you, I had so much fun” after a hangout is kinda like social anxiety aftercare when you think about it
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
OK WAIT one last thing about the Elden Ring zine!!!! If you pick it up I'd love it if you read it in 2-page spread mode, it's designed to be looked at like it's a book! ok thank you please enjoy! johnnywander.itch.io/third-imp
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
keys to bluesky success and clout acquisition: 1) have a mood disorder 2) be manic on main a little 3) show hole 4) mid jokes 5) show hole again 6) different hole this time 7) remember to be kind
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
cishet guys will treasure a genuine compliment like fucking gollum. going back to the cave to lovingly polish one that's twenty years old but still feels new
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
kids these days don't even know what real gooning looks like anymore. they spend 30 minutes on the homepage of xvideos and call that a goon sesh, meanwhile i'm putting in 8 hour shifts at the blender factory jacking off to shit you've never even heard of. that's what real gooning is all about.
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
you misunderstand, this is for pride month
It is June 6, Joann’s Fabrics. We haven’t even had the summer solstice yet.
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
We feel you, paper towel holder.
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Discworld QOTD, from Witches Abroad
Discworld QOTD, from Moving Pictures "Ordinary laziness was merely the absence of effort. Victor had passed through there a long time ago, had gone straight through commonplace idleness and out on the far side. He put more effort into avoiding work than most people put into hard labour."
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Emotional support pinup
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
"When they dig up your bones, they're going to say you were a man!" You think that's bad? When they dig up your bones, I'll probably have to leave the state.
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
my elderly Egyptian Uber driver happily informed me that he “supports the gays now” because he lives with a lesbian couple and “the husband lesbian is a better husband than I was”, happy pride everyone
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
could you eat an entire medium size order of mcdonald’s french fries for $100,000? you cannot use a fork and are only allowed three phone calls
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
I made a Cool S sword
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
no amount of romanticization as a supposedly-lesbian activity will ever make building furniture anything but time consuming, tedious, and aggravating. you cannot convince me that putting together flat-pack furniture is in any way enjoyable in any capacity.
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
imagine how good it would feel to have your whole body taken apart, have each piece carefully cleaned, and then be put back together. powerwash my skeleton in the driveway. lay all the parts out to dry on a towel in the sun. oil all the hinges while you're at it
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
I’m eating lunch at the park and there is a mockingbird here who has a repertoire you would not believe. So far he’s done blue jay, red-shouldered hawk, default ringtone, cardinal, titmouse, other cardinal, tanager, grackle, power tools, other other cardinal, truck backing up, wren, sprinklers…
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
the goal of bluesky is to make friends and mutual crushes and then to be a massive reply girl where u simp for each other publicly. anything that isn't celebrating your friends, their achievements, and how absurdly fucking hot they are (and receiving the same in turn) is secondary, actually.
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
Software Testing Day xkcd.com/2928
Reposted byAvatar Dakota
80s video game: here is a fantasy that you are an astronaut blasting asteroids 90s: no you’re a badass marine blasting demons 2000s: time to blast some aliens 2010s: chop up these zombies 2020s: here is a fantasy that you have a cosy house, friends, relationships and food
Reposted byAvatar Dakota