
What fucking valid purpose does blacking out this guy's (who is a government employee with authority over children) name serve? The pendulum has swung way too far.
Thrilled to know we got water in the woke wars.
The blacking out actually makes me suspicious that it's intentionally faked.
"unredacted or it didn't happen" needs to be the new position
I searched for a couple key phrases and found nothing, which means that either it happened in a closed FB group and this one individual is the only individual who found it noteworthy or it’s faked
If it’s a fake it’s a damn good fake. Like they did their research fake. B/c I heard stories like this from coworkers. One guy was a small town football player in school and he talked about his coaches exactly like this. Not saying it’s real, just the faker actually did some work here.
I’ve heard stories *like* this, sure. I grew up in Houston. But this just has a little bit of that “pushed out to the furthest corners and beyond” space that satire and outrage-bait both emerge from.
Such as the "nobody has ever died of hot weather" claim. Even with Poe's Law being what it is, that's a bold one.
Yah I think that part is what gets me into the disbelieving territory. The homophobia, the our team is your life from now on - screw anything else, the absolute lack of care for the students health — all spot on. But even those coaches in the south understand heat stroke.
Or the ones that don't need a lawyer sooner rather than later.
Right, that was one of the ones that tipped it over for me.
I'll admit in the last few years I am completely unable to tell what's real with posts like this - esp when some Tx folk take pride in being extra over the top. But usually coaches would use peer pressure not put this in writing, we'd only find out the truth from students after a death.
It's an attitude that was popular in the 50s-90s. However, most modern coaches have embraced idea that healthy athletes perform better than dehydrated ones. I'm not saying there are no dinosaurs left, but I am saying that I want to know whose name is signed to this take before I believe it.
Yeah, I was willing to believe the giy would need his union sooner than later. (For purposes of checking all the boxes, if it's real, he's done.)