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Vaguely sane, Texas resident thanks to covid fun. Living with fractious tortoiseshell Chimera Pfeffernuss Murdermittens, who tries to run my life. Clueless minecrafter, BG3 addict, ESO, among other games. I was an academic in distant times past. she/her
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I have said this and had someone say “Then get off the trolley!” and like, bold of you to assume we’re not all tied to the tracks.
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If you think the party the took the time to print out all these posters isn't serious about mass deportations you're either intentionally naive or support it and just afraid to say it out loud
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Kinda worried about our collective mental health that we can blink off an assassination attempt within three days. I know it's That Guy but we should feel something more than "...two freakin' inches." This entire country needs about six months of compassionate leave.
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Evergreen post in Texas
“I think it’s going to become more and more important for the state for a variety of different large energy users to have some conditions on them being able to connect [to the grid].”
As Summer Heat Hits, How Is the Texas Grid Faring? Amid new projections of surging demand, energy analyst Doug Lewin explains what worries him–and what doesn’t.
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So it's not weird at all to hear two of the biggest movie stars in the world discussing a concept I came up ages ago as a fan with a message board. Life is weird but cool. But not as cool as @VancityReynolds and @RealHughJackman.
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Recap 'Deadpool' 1 & 2 | Entertainment 'Deadpool & Wolverine' stars Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) recap all the bad words, fights, fourth wall breaks in 'Deadpool' 1 & 2 ah...
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I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
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Work our asses off. Every state. Every election. Every time. It's the only solution.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
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Being too impressed with bombast and too intolerant of human imperfection is definitely part of how we got here.
This is apparently a real thing that exists and not a joke that Jessica Fletcher looks like she was hit in the face with a rolled newspaper.
I think I need this Jessica Fletcher action figure.
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You need this today. For morale.
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My goal for getting through hard times is to wring every ounce of pleasure out of what is ridiculous. There are so, so many ridiculous things in life. Someone posted a photo of a pregnant squirrel. I laughed for five minutes. Look at her.
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Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
The war is over. The bad guys won.
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There's a world of people who aren't debating the basics (pollution bad, climate change real) but are taking action at incredibly complex levels. And I mean there's a WORLD - there both US- and non-US-based solutions. There are massive victories. Heroes. And I don't see this work reflected online
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When I saw Biden at a fundraiser early this month, he sounded tired and a bit feeble, particularly contrasted with Obama talking right next to him. But the choice between enfeebled and a narcissistic sociopath surrounded by younger narcissistic sociopaths is not even a little difficult.
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einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
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She’s twelve, which is about what English coonhounds tend to reach, but has the heart of a much younger dog and the brains of a manual toaster.
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My friend, you were a polite opponent and I bear you no ill will, but never ever say “Good game” until it is your turn and the enemy is dying in front of you.
This post brought to you by the nice person who thought casting Sleep on my army would end me. Sadly, I had a Corpse Knight and an Ocelot Pride and they had 5 life. But they were right, it WAS a good game.
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These two are definitely the same and really makes it hard who to vote for. Whatever shall we do.
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"They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Anymore" (skewering antisemitism) & "The Ballad of Charles Whitman" (on the Texas Tower shooter) were maybe the first truly transgressive satirical songs I ever heard. They force you to think, even as you're laughing - & feeling guilty about doing so. RIP, Kinky.
The complete obit is now up at the same URL, and it's wonderful. “I was the bastard child of twin cultures, and they seemed to have a lot in common, cowboys and Jews,” Mr. Friedman told The Aspen Times in 2006. “They both wear their hats indoors.”
Kinky Friedman, Musician and Humorist Who Slew Sacred Cows, Dies at He and his band, the Texas Jewboys, won acclaim for their satirical takes on American culture. He later wrote detective novels and ran for Texas governor.
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It’s me, quoted in The New Yorker, like I know what I’m talking about. Oh, the places my very weird dissertation has taken me!
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After reading this, I now want Uncle Joe to do this debate in a shark costume. Please manifest this for me, universe.
My friends, the story of Donald J Trump and his weird decades-long obsession with sharks is stranger than you know. I, your friendly neighborhood shark scientist and science journalist, made an annotated timeline.
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Finally! I wrote about this case a few months ago--worth noting that the majority-Black town of Newbern stopped holding elections altogether riiight around the time the Voting Rights Act said no, really, you can't keep Black folks from participating in elections
Newbern, Alabama – a small town an hour away from Selma – will hold its first legitimate elections in over 60 years after a four-year legal battle The proposed settlement will also reinstate Patrick Braxton, who sued white leadership, as the mayor
Small Alabama Town Wins Lawsuit Allowing Residents To Vote For First Time In Patrick Braxton, the first Black mayor in Newbern’s history, will be reinstated.
A Small Alabama Town Stopped Holding Elections In 1965. Black Residents Are Begging a Federal Court to Change In a judiciary controlled by conservatives, the best liberals can hope for is a chance to uphold basic principles of democratic governance.
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It's the Feast Day of St George Michael (his birthday). To celebrate, I suggest you listen to his many divine jams, do some mutual aid, and flirt with a stranger. May he continue to guide us all in our endeavours. Ora pro nobis, Sancte Georgi.
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I just want to say that Thomas Aquinas is not my fav for many reasons, but one is that he was a strikebreaker and scab brought to Paris in 1252, when many students and professors went on strike over the issue of the theology chairs that taught religion in the city universities.
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people find it so hard to believe that stormtroopers from Star Wars have terrible aim probably because bad equipment it's 2024 on earth and we have two of the most valuable companies in the history of the world: one of them is making airplanes that crash, the other makes trucks that can't get wet