
What fucking valid purpose does blacking out this guy's (who is a government employee with authority over children) name serve? The pendulum has swung way too far.
Thrilled to know we got water in the woke wars.
The blacking out actually makes me suspicious that it's intentionally faked.
"unredacted or it didn't happen" needs to be the new position
I searched for a couple key phrases and found nothing, which means that either it happened in a closed FB group and this one individual is the only individual who found it noteworthy or it’s faked
If it’s a fake it’s a damn good fake. Like they did their research fake. B/c I heard stories like this from coworkers. One guy was a small town football player in school and he talked about his coaches exactly like this. Not saying it’s real, just the faker actually did some work here.
Dammit. Thanks for your and Ari’s suspicion. I was too quick to accept this. Appreciate the reminder that I should not be so quick to accept screenshots
The person who first posted it on Twitter isn't exactly a good source.
I first saw this on reddit, and the OP claimed it was indeed from a closed FB group. But who knows?
The premise seems to indicate this was posted in the group for the team or school.
I saw a secondhand post (I can’t recall whose post it was on or I would find it) where someone said they couldn’t find the origin of it. All they found was someone saying the FB post was now deleted (I’m sure of this) and it was from a closed forum (I think it said). So my info is 3rd hand to you…
No person has ever posted a doctored image online.
Allegedly the OP said that the school in question had put up a hydration schedule once the rant was taken down. But yes I think this person shouldn't be in charge of anything, if he was mad at parents making sure their kids wouldn't die & announced he would kill them he needs to go.
a follow-up post on reddit, though it doesn't actually answer your point
I'm with you, it got my hackles up for sure. Especially because there's not an unredacted version to be found.
Yes, seeing this everywhere and very surprised by credulity. It's single source and has a lot of "confirms all priors" red flag language, and there's been zero legitimate news pick up. Not to mention a very suspicious timeline with ignorance of Texas HS sport regulations.
Plus, it's June. Even the high school Friday Night Lights was based on (Permian) doesn't start two-a-days until mid-August It also looks like Texas' high school athletic association (UIL) has guidelines that prohibit outdoor practice when wet bulb temp exceeds 92.1
Heat Stress Information and Resources — Health & Safety — University Interscholastic League (UIL)
And people will be like "yeah, but it *could* happen" instead of "let's properly document this stuff".
“Nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside” WTF
Oh we'll know his name when he gets some kids killed and the governor of Texas pardons him for it while Fox News promotes his online defense funding.
I've never understood providing people with anonymity in a situation like this. You're trying to draw attention to specific bad actors! Name and shame! There are real human beings in positions of power over this coach who can be urged to step in and restore sanity!
I vote fake - reads too much like ragebait
Well if his name was revealed he might get Canceled and then never have the chance to.....kill children via heat stroke.
I do believe it's one Scott Kacsmar @ScottKacsmar