Dan T. Lux

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Dan T. Lux


Co-editor of Black Metal Rainbows, writer, antifascist, lost soul: https://www.pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1200

Free Palestine
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Last weekend I sat on a panel where four other writers encouraged folks to submit to venues that charge reading fees and to pay for entry fees to contests because if you win, it’s worth it. I said “Never pay. Fuck fees.” Nice and friendly? No, but fuck fees. Never pay to play.
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The first Joker movie whipped up terror that it would inspire incel mass violence. Will Joker 2 (musical) whip up terror that it’s going to inspire incels getting into the razzle dazzle of broadway
Bluesky is like Nice Twitter. It still doesn't move though. A static social media app is weird, I wonder why they haven't fixed that.
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From the new Cyndi Lauper documentary 🏳️‍🌈
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I wrote a great American novel about a baseball player in the grip of alcoholism. It’s called “The Rye in the Catcher.”
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leave me on read so i know it's real
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Remember when Obama decided to get “tough on immigration” in 2014 to win over voters in the center and his own staffers were like why did we do that, it won us zero votes and alienated some of our base? Reposting for no particular reason!
This was in 2015.
There's Imposter Syndrome and there's being deeply ashamed and cringified by your own writing.
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Why do movies need "mass appeal" before they're greenlit. Why can't we make something weird. Why don't us freaks get to make something that comes from our deranged little hearts 😞
Korn should make a K-Pop album. Call it Korn-Pop - bingo!
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"I’m glad this sandwich was inspired by geishas. If Stormy Daniels has shown us anything, it’s that the power of sex workers can manifest in all kinds of surprising ways, and can linger across decades." @swordsjew.bsky.social on this week's notable sandwich, and this week's notable verdict
Notable Sandwiches #98: Katsu Sandobuttondown.email Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the series where I drag my long-suffering editor David Swanson through the bizarro, shifting sands of Wikipedia’s List of...
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ok hear me out, a constitutional amendment stating that if you're convicted of a felony, it voids the appointments of anyone you may have put on the supreme court. you know, for all the convicted felons, very broad.
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To repeat: generative "A.I." is not inevitable. It's a derivative, boring bullshit generator. It wallows in mediocrity and fails by design and definition. Just say no.
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The Barbie movie is the Barbie movie for men. One of the most important sub-plots is Ken trying to figure out meaning in his life, going down a misogynistic rabbit hole, and coming back realizing it isn't offering him anything and that he needs to become comfortable with himself.
in Unfrosted, Jerry Seinfeld dares to ask the question "what if they made a Barbie movie for men?"
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if you look real close you’ll see biden’s red line on israel
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This was a fascinating event today, and @nabalkattu.bsky.social's point that Zionism is now inextricably associated with atrocity is undeniable.
This was so great. Recording will be available in the coming days.
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🏳️‍🌈 Toronto's beloved queer bookshop and safe haven, Glad Day, is in danger of going out of business and they're running a fundrasier to try to save it. Consider donating if you can: www.gladday.ca/savegladday
Save Glad Day — Glad Daywww.gladday.ca
Me every time I pick up Gravity's Rainbow
i have but one life on this earth and i will not spend it reading the work of an idiot
Insane that Agamben was right about Nazism never actually ending and insaner that he thought mask/vaccine mandates were a symptom of that, rather than genocide in Gaza, on which I don't believe he's said a thing.
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Neoreaction A Basilisk by @elsandifer.bsky.social is a tour-de-force! I wish more academic writing was this snarky, it's invigorating.
Why and how did Agalloch get uncancelled? Did the guy show any contrition? People never really remarked on the extent to which they are basically Death In June for metalheads who have never heard of Death In June.
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Rereading this and I'm going to bed to cry: "Ernest Hemingway was paid $1 a word in 1936. That's more than $21 per word in today's dollars. The maximum I was ever paid to write for a glossy magazine in print was $2/word, in 2021." defector.com/the-money-is...
The Money Is In All The Wrong Places | Defectordefector.com You can always tell who in Hollywood has family money by their Instagrams. People like Dakota Johnson, who have a Hollywood lineage deeper than the Mariana Trench, post only rarely. They post about so...