Dara Lind

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Dara Lind


Former journalist, forever immigration explainer.
I am so happy right now (This is a vroom reference)
I am so happy right now (This is a vroom reference)
Immigration policy absolutely FULL of cobra effects. Which is ironic, because it’s legit the opposite of that stupid snake poem.
"Cobra Effect": When the proposed solution to a problem ends up making it worse. Named for an anecdote told about The British colonial solution to India's venomous cobra problem. A bounty was offered for every dead cobra, resulting in entrepreneurs farming, breeding them... (📷: Kamalnv)
I have had QUITE ENOUGH of books I am otherwise enjoying suddenly featuring scenes in which viewpoint characters find themselves making arrangements for declining relatives with hospital functionaries!
Blanks: “What’s her…the spy cook.” Me: “… . Julia Child??”
Am I the only one importing a lot of irrelevant feelings into this USA-URU match
Current mood: I challenged @blanksslate.bsky.social to tell me which would have been a better national bird and he immediately came back with “Velociraptor” and now we’re debating
Unfortunately that would require one to pronounce it hu-brains
pronouncing "hubris" so it rhymes with multiple jermaine dupris
xpost from 🐦 for reasons Different parts of gov vary in institutional cultures, degree of discretion/autonomy, etc etc. Knowing one area really well _can_ give you insights into others, or governance in general. It can also tempt you into presumptions of generalism. Talk to experts when you can.
There’s a line from a late-2000s indie rock song that has essentially become the principle guiding my career (& why I always pick first 2 in the true/important/helpful trilemma) Went to birdsite to thank the band directly and saw the bandmember running the account is an anti-UKR Elon reply guy now.
Absolutely wild to me that my people invented the superhero, for a fable-type whose lesson ALWAYS was that if you create a strongman to protect you it will love its strength more than it loves what it’s protecting…and have spent the last several decades proving we didn’t get it.
And blessings unto those who figured out nixtamalization. 🌽
First corn on the cob of the summer is always an opportunity to express gratitude for the untold generations of human beings who turned a teeny-tiny shattering grain into an absolute unit of calorie storage and sunshine.
The intersection of: What do you need to say? and What do people need to hear from you?
Reposted byAvatar Dara Lind
I get the vibes here but I also see those same vibes at play in eg the conflation of “young voters” in 2008 with “young voters” in 2024. I know we all feel ancient and want to feel ageless instead. But indulging subjective time as an aging experience makes analysis harder in every way.
Coincidentally, someone who was 20 in 2020 is also 44 or 45 now
After 2 bouts of COVID I truly cannot stress this enough: Once you know you have it, do whatever you can to clear your schedule for the next 2 days, and sleep for as much of those 48 hours as possible. HUGE recovery springboard.
In 2008 I witnessed a judge tell a father that while she personally would’ve shown him favorable discretion & let him stay, the fact that his ~10 y/o and her younger brother would have to move to MX after never having lived there & give up US schooling wasn’t hardship enough. I will never forget it.
“Exceptional or extremely unusual” very much does NOT mean “family would be separated.” Often unspoken implication that in theory the whole family could just move to where the person was deported to. And disruption to, say, kids moving somewhere they don’t speak the language doesn’t count either.
Immigration cases are in fact decided all the time on the principle that there’s no inherent right to a family being together. Quick thread below:
my suspicion is that if Trump comes back and Family Separation Part 2 is in the cards, this will form the foundation of their legal argument-- nobody has a right to an intact family.
Just dropping this here for general use over the next several months.
There are two kinds of things that a political executive can say: -Things that are backed up by the people who staff executive agencies and design legislative strategy. -Things that don’t matter, and that paying attention to will actively obscure the reality of governance.
Hanging out at the club reading Dune Messiah
Happy four-year anniversary of the day ReRe (z’’l) almost broke into a bagel but then the wedding Zoom ended JUST IN TIME.
An opinion I don’t expect many people to share: In an age of groomer panics and sex-trafficker-kidnapping-in-parking-lots viral posts, dunks about one’s ideological opponents being pedophiles (or caring about age of consent etc etc) don’t sit very well at all.
Also liiiike…how do you think the people on the other side of the digital divide ACCESS everything that is digitized? The library. It’s arguably one of its most important functions in 2024.
🧵 As a former librarian, I'll add: Rich (& middle class) ppl also close libraries bc they can't conceive of the need, aka a failure of empathy. I was *constantly* asked: 1) People still go to libraries? (yes) 2) Isn't everything digitized now? (wow, no, let's examine just how how wrong that is)
Ok team who’s in (I haven’t read this since the first time in—gulp—2005, loved it then, Blanks read it more recently and loved it, seems like I need to revisit)
Periodic reminder for anyone interested in our group reading of Virginia Woolf's MRS DALLOWAY in July: 1. if you haven't asked to be added to the feed, @ me or DM me & I'll add you 2. use either the hashtag #MrsD or the 💐 emoji to post 3. reading schedule in next post 4. link to feed below! 🐋 🛖 🔩
Mark “The Bird” Fidrych reference is an automatic repost
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...