
so are buyers just going to look at this and say 'well, close enough!' because seriously lol
Tesla's head of design was showing off this matte black Cybertruck at the Malibu Cars And Coffee over the weekend, which suggest he's... proud of it? has all the pics and snark here:
so could these trucks currently on the road all be just hand-made prototypes and the actual ones they will ship will not be so janky because every single one i have seen has been janky and i can not believe any body with just a bit of pride and self respect would let that roll off the assembly line
not trying to defend any body here i just refuse to believe some thing this janky is actually a production model lol i can not handle the second hand embarrassment tbh i am just going to go with 'prototype not for sale' just to get thru the day
can you even imagine if someone had shown an iphone prototype like that to steve apple back in the day
It would have probably led to a really cool true crime podcast
this is a production model Y I rented from Hertz. (it rattled on rough roads.) my money is on “this is as good as it’s going to get”
I'm sorry but this is violence against OCD
I've seen more consistent panel gaps on kit cars.
the jank is all part of the "disruption"
"Second hand embarrassment" -- did you invent that? It's way better, way more accurate, than "cringe".
darth do you want to road trip to Fremont and check it out?
Honestly? I'd be willing to bet that Elon Musk would not be beyond trying to make money off of this shoddy craftsmanship.
There are only hand made prototypes like this one, any time they suggest otherwise they are lying. Fake car that could well be the thing that gets Musk yeeted.
joad the wet sprocket honestly this would make more sense kind of like do u remember the SUV where the gull wing door almost fell off in the demo lol
This gives off a serious “dad I’ve got a science fair project due tomorrow” vibe.
I simply refuse to believe that this thing has passed any of the FMVSS interior occupant protection standards. That dashboard will not deform and allow the head to be slowed down on impact. HIC will be well above requirements.
No no - sharp edges everywhere are exactly what you need in a crash for...... .reasons
Don't worry, darth, the production model will also be hand-made jankiness
Thing is these issues are also found in most teslas that roll off the line. It's partially bad quality control and partially musk determination not to use robotic assistance in the fabrication process.
You are assuming Musk and peope who work for him have any pride in what they do, I think that is where this falls down darth
Musk doesn’t pay the little people who do actual physical work on the cars instead of simply flexing their Hyuge Brains over them enough to give a shit what rolls off the line
Is it actually hard to make parts that fit together correctly when you design and manufacture an expensive car? I always assumed that make the parts fit together was easy for the professionals who make cars.
For car companies it's easy because they have decades upon decades of experience putting together cars and refining their industrial processes. It's not easy for someone to just decide to build cars one day at any sort of scale.
It’s not easy. US automakers can be pretty loosey goosey on panel gaps, whereas Toyota is the gold standard for tolerances. But no one builds cars this bad. It’s almost certainly because Musk insisted on using stainless steel. It’s much heavier and less forgiving to assemble.
...maybe he fired all of those ones already, they cost more.
I think the people working for Elon have had any pride in themselves or their work crushed out of them. Either that or their water supply is poisoned and they think these things look great.
I guess if there are massive ketamine shortages, we should know where to look.
what makes you think anyone working for elon musk with a straight face has either pride or self respect
I mean, I get it, people need to earn a living and all but I imagine they have to sign their pride/self respect in at the door when they arrive each morning
Like the show Severance except for pride and self respect.
i don't see any duct tape, bubble gum or spray paint which would indicate the assembly line
l believe the "CR" on the sides means "candidate for release" or some such so yes, they are going to be for sale
I can't imagine any body with just a bit of pride and self respect would build that by hand and not insist on fixing it.
Seems like they have a procedure to de-install pride and self-respect prior to allowing workers onto the assembly line, Darth.
EEOC Sues Tesla for Racial Harassment and FREMONT, Calif.
Bravo to all of the ALT text involved here. 🏆
glad you're enjoying, I always just get a bit carried away with the alt text!
Bullet-proof car with panel gaps big enough for bullets. Irony!
it’s informative and snarky, which is the best way to be some people lean too far into the snark without remembering that they also need to be informative but this strikes a good balance
I was aware that Tesla's had technical issues, but now I'm being told that the pieces don't even fit together? Elon's people can't even do basic mechanical engineering? WTAF?
He probably sacked all the ones who knew what they were doing.
I wrote a whole book that explains why poor manufacturing quality is built into Tesla's company culture! Musk's out of control egotism has just built on the core dynamics I identified in 2019, resulting in the terrifying mess we call Cybertruck.
Ludicrous - BenBella Ludicrous lays bare the disconnect between the popular perception of Tesla and the day-to-day realities of the company.
Oh man I can only imagine the phalanx of musk nerds coming for you that unable to hear this…
I've read it. Good book! 👍
What I'm hearing here is that all Tesla vehicles have this kind of problem. And yet it's still the leading electric car manufacturer in the US. That's disturbing.
Tesla has been pretty widely known for having poor fit and finish quality from pretty much the beginning among car people -- the thing is at first everyone assumed it would get better because they were new to it and they were trying to scale up. It looks like they only intend to talk about it tho
Well yeah 😔 $TSLA vehicles would be light years ahead of #Waymo if they had #LIDAR 🤷🏾‍♂️