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Reposted byAvatar DatNoFact
Elon becoming a culture warrior because he's a shitty father who thinks he lost his daughter to "the woke mind virus" about sums it up really. What a loathsome man he is.
i believe this is the first time Elon Musk himself has publicly admitted to essentially becoming a right winger because his child came out as trans
There's something funny about conservatives completely floundering to come up with something to criticise Kamala for while leftists dislike her for being a cop, one of the few things conservatives can actually get behind.
Reposted byAvatar DatNoFact
can politics take a breather for 5 minutes
What an absolute waste of time and resources live service games are. Flop after flop chasing whales and the next big thing. Fundamentally broken game model driven by greed and shareholder value.
The live service failures will continue until morale improves.
Context: this is the company that pushed a borked update that just caused a global tech outage.
Oh well that's a relief. Wouldn't want anything to happen to the stonks.
The google graveyard is beyond a meme at this point. Just an utterly abysmal business model. All it does it tell people you can't rely on them for anything. killedbygoogle.com
The longer intel stays quiet the more it's going to hurt them in the long run. When it comes time for people to do new builds they're going to think twice about buying chips from a company that stays silent about a problem on this scale.
I'm pretty convinced that half the people who still post on the bird app regularly consume wallpaper paste.
Social media is riddled with people now assume any major event that someone can politically capitalise on must be a false flag. Not because of any actual evidence of a false flag, but working backwards from the premise that people can theoretically capitalise on major events. Very stupid people.
Reposted byAvatar DatNoFact
Sticking with only good news today
There's no excuse for how dated the Nintendo eShop is. Just finding out online if a Switch game has received a patch update since initial reviews is a crap shoot.
They're choosing to release Shrek 5 so the world can finally begin to heal.
I'm trying to not get too hopeful about the future UK landscape, but having lived under the sheer incompetence of the Tories for over a decade, and seeing how Labour are already being extremely sensible and actually getting on with the job does make one a little optimistic.
FOMO got me spending way too much time browsing the steam sale for good deals. This is how they get you.
Reposted byAvatar DatNoFact
My cybertruck keeps making this weird noise that sounds like everyone laughing at me. It’s louder when the windows are down, if that helps.
As highly unethical as it would be in practice, a reality TV show where political larpers get to live out their fantasies of an ideal society with other equally-deluded contestants would at least be fascinating from a sociological perspective.
A story about AI hype in two parts.
Meagre fines are just the cost of doing business for these companies and why they'll continue to put profits ahead of consumer safety.
1: makes likes private 2: realises it removes utility 3: doesn't want to walk it back 4: considers making bookmarks public As funny as the fallout would be for people who use them for things they'd rather keep private, it continues to astound how bad he is at running a social media platform.
Capybara are friend shaped.
The "natural = better/safer" has to be one of the most brainless positions that alternative-health advocates idolise because just a few seconds of critical introspection will reveal how utterly batshit it is.