
Excellent op-ed yesterday from on renewables already being the cheaper option and how the fossil fuel industry is trying to salt that particular bit of earth to stop their rollout. These companies are *absurdly* rich and they're not gonna stop. Gift link:
Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Fossil fuel interests are spreading misinformation that renewable energy is harmful, unreliable and worse for consumers.
Governments are so into fossil fuels that it is like fossil fuels are the government. It is fossil capital (Malm). As an average, fossil fuels companies have made 2.8 bn dollar a day, every day. There is no power to stop them, no regulatory power anyway.
Global warming (and global hunger) is the perfect argument for a benevolent overlord ruling the entire planet... We're too damn fractured otherwise. The tragedy of commons, etc.
Well-written article! Though I have to say it's wild to see people quibbling over prices in the face of the obvious exhaustion of fossil fuels in any case. I just cannot understand how people imagine a future using only fossil fuels; the transition is inevitable one way or the other.
If we actually exhaust the world's supply of fossil fuels it will return the planet to a state truly incompatible with human civilization, maybe human life at all.
Well we had better stop burning all of it, then 🧐
This attitude is so stupid. Petrolium is way too valuable a resource to be wasting it on fuel.
I think of all the necessary plastics in medicine and it makes me so angry that we're wasting it on cars.
I got an ad for "propane to fuel your home" in the middle of this article. Probably not the best targeting.
Eh, better than whale oil
C'mon there's no whale oil, the wind turbines killed them all.
What, were they all skydiving with bowls of petunias?
😂 First thing I thought of too
Worked for the pandemic. Soon we will hear: "Climate change is a nothing burger" "It's mild" "Do your own climate change risk assessment". "Learn to live with climate change" "The strong will be fine" "We will adapt to climate change"
Have you been around for the last two decades?
Pure evil and they need to be liquidated and wealth transferred into a sustainable energy infrastructure.
LCOE is a really awful metrics to compare intermittent sources of energy with baseload ones. Let alone that it fails to capture the risks of saturation
The issue is not whether renewables are cheaper or not cheaper, but whether their profitability is higher and it is not. The 'internal rate of revenue' which is companese for profitability is 15-20% higher for fossil fuels. Cf. Christophers 2020 - also just published a book at Verso
These people who already have more money than god want to continue killing everything on earth... oh and it's bad for your wallet!