
My family (who thinks I'm kooky) was so upset with me a decade+ ago when I was like "no, sorry, if you want to post a family photo to Facebook, you better take one without me in it." But now I get to be like "yes, I was correct, as you always eventually discover. Please just trust me next time."
Can't help but notice their response email includes this line: "We don’t automatically fulfill requests and we review them consistent with your local laws." Which sounds a lot like "If you aren't in Europe this did bupkiss." It's still slightly better than the weird meme that used to go around.
I went the easy route and deleted my account. You won't actually miss it.
I deleted my Facebook years ago, but am unsure if they still have access to my data, as i don't trust them.
This worked all the way through until I got to submitting it and then I got a message saying that the text boxes had to contain at least 100 characters. How random is that?!?
Hmm. I didn't get that, but then I was doing it for Instagram not Facebook…
Me too, so I added some comments about how evil they are and how the energy consumption of AI will kill the planet
I got the same. I pasted the suggested text twice because fuck Meta.
Thank you! This was so helpful! I tried based on other people's instructions and failed miserably, but this worked.
In the EU you get a second link that says "right to object" a few lines above the "Learn more and submit requests here" link. Just to be extra sure: use both!
It basically told me it doesn't have to honour my wishes lol Still, glad I did it. Thank you.
I went ahead and did this (thank you!), but anyone can skip the annoyingly long form bullshit by going directly to this link: As long as you're logged into Facebook, it will come up for your user account, and you don't have to dig through the mountain of text.
Data Subject Rights for Third Party Information Used for AI at Meta |
I tried to do this from Instagram and it said only people with active facebook accounts can do this! (I deleted that long ago.)
I'm in the US, this is what I get when I click on your link. i think you have way better privacy protections over there than we have here ☹️. I followed her directions for Facebook and was able to complete my request but who knows what they'll do. I'm not even sure deleting my account would work
Darn 😬 Sorry about that. I'm not sure what to recommend sorry.
Well I haven't posted on IG in a couple of years, I only opened it when I got a new kitten and wanted to post pics of him (he's my avatar on here). I posted about 50 pics and then lost interest. Now I just use it to watch reels. But thanks anyway 😊
I started from their help center in the app.
I’m in Europe so who knows? I know they’re getting in trouble for trying to push this through over here.
The best controls over account data have to be managed through Facebook. Such a fucking scam.
I'm in Canada. I sent a request and got an automated response basically saying, "We got your request but we haven't decided if we're just going to ignore it or not. We're waiting to see what your gov't threatens us with first."
Went to try and find this for my mother who died 2 years ago account and looks like they don't have this for "in remembrance" accounts. Just love knowing meta is going to scrape my dead mom's account for their shitty ai🙃
Oh no, it only just occurred to me that yes, all my dead peoples' accounts will be scraped. Ugh.
BTW, there is no "District of Columbia" or "Washington, DC" in the state popup list.
It's scandalous that you would even have to opt out. Also Substack is bad.
I own stock in Meta so please please please forget to do this. Also, they should make it as complicated as legally allowed since its just hilarious how sick corporate greed is. And how dumb law makers are.
I was able to find this in the mobile app, but the suggested phrase in the blog was not long enough so I had to add a few more words. So great of them to make it so confusing and difficult!
Just did this and got a reply back from Facebook saying they won't necessarily respect my wishes, they will be reviewing whether or not they are legally obligated to care based on where I live.
Right. Yeah, I got a more affirmative response which sounds like it has to do with me living in the UK…
For me, this led to a form - exactly as shown in step 7 - that clearly only excludes personal info *from third parties*. There is no way to opt out of info you directly add to FB/IG/Threads being used for AI training.
Right, year that's frustrating. I got a message saying they would honour my wishes, I think that's because I live in the UK…
Well, that was a bit of a damp squib.
I did this on my 2 IG accounts last week and got info that my request was justifiable and all I wrote was "I don't want you to use my info for AI"
Same it may depends on location? I literally used the sentence they give that goes something like I want to use my right and not allow you to use my data
Same, and I am in the EU. Perhaps they've plugged a hole in the way they handle these things based on an increase in requests.
I received the same response. Ugh.
Just ran the sequence with my wife’s Samsung mobile - worked fine as you described. I didn’t find the mobile platform to be participate onerous to work with. For my part, I wouldn’t have anything to do with Zuck’s scam products, so I’m sorted.
No idea where that word “participate” came from …. iOS has some funny ideas… “particularly” it should say .
Thanks for that - I’ve got an even better way - don’t use Facebook or their pilot utilities-they are voracious scumbags.