Elbee Day

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Elbee Day


Feminism, dogs, literature, Appalachia, paranormal investigation, and travel. PhD fwiw

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Heartbreaking, yet practical signage at Sherman's Bookshop in Bar Harbor, Maine! #kidlit #barharbor #indiebookstore
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Hold up, gonna go buy some necklaces on Etsy. Cuz today is indie pendants day.
The uncertainty involved in a medical diagnosis spikes the anxiety. Is it Hashimoto’s disease (on top of 20+year hypothyroidism), kidney disease, and lupus, or do I get a choice? Autoimmune diseases suuuuck.
Quite perfect!
Since we've been addressing the unfortunate deep ignorance other Americans have of the reality of DC & our plight as oppressed & struggle for autonomous governance & it's the 4th of July & Frederick Douglass is being read, The Douglass Commonwealth our name we adopted when we become the 51st state.
I love seeing all the displays celebrating Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 220th birthday. Who knew he loved blue, red, and white so much?
I miss the days of having a president who spoke in complete sentences and didn’t have a single personal act of treason, violence, or financial malfeasance in his background. #Obama
The worst they can say about the D candidate is “he can’t give a speech,” while the R has a repetitive history of violence against women and girls, financial illegalities, and stealing government documents.
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we knowwww.newsweek.com Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
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I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we knowwww.newsweek.com Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
I’m all in for Andy Beshear in U.S. leadership. I’ve been a huge fan since he was Kentucky’s attorney general and successfully spearheaded the effort to clear the state’s backlog of rape kits. Then he dealt with COVID as a firm but compassionate leader, saving many lives as a result. #Beshear24
A debate strategy full of lies that the opponent can’t possibly respond does not equal victory.
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Yes. Biden is showing signs of aging. He doesn’t hide it. But he’s still sharp. His health assessment is professional. IQ45 pays docs to write juvenile notes about how stellar his health is. Biden doesn’t have a hellacious Cluster B personality disorder acceleration & decompensation. IQ45 does.
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Tired of the casual abelism in "Joe Biden has dementia." Are you a physician? Are you even a mental health professional? You have NO expertise. Plus, dementia is real and devastating, not the butt of a shitty joke that's already been made. Shut your damn mouth and fix your heart.
#Timelinecleanse Red Merle Aussie, broken on a blue recliner
Focusing on a COM 101 performance in the midst of rampant imperialism is ignoring the bastardes.
Indexing your own work? Look in the text for repeated names of persons, places, and things; theories and trends; eras; major events; tribes and countries; titles of art (visual, music, literary).
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Life today is brought to you by my phrase expanders for "This was not cited in the text. Please remove, or cite." and "This is not in the reference list. Please include." #amediting
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It's beyond difficult to copyedit something which isn't actually ready to be submitted. A copyeditor isn't a ghostwriter or a developmental editor. They address errors in what has *been written.* Asking us to address what hasn't been written (bc the piece hasn't been evaluated for sense) isn't fair.
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What does it say about our society that "Think of the poor doggos!" is a more effective PSA against setting off fireworks in residential areas than "You have actual human neighbors you see every day with severe mental health issues who you are giving trauma responses"
"This nation is founded on the principle that there are no kings in America," Biden said. "No one is above the law, not even the President of the United States." #BidenHarris2024
602 lies. If that isn’t enough: “Please understand that if Trump is elected he will be a figurehead for the most part; the country will be run by Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, John McEntee, Leonard Leo, Ginni Thomas, Michael Flynn and people even more radical.”
(📢) You’ve never seen anything like this: it’s the first *real* fact-check of Donald Trump ever done. CNN saw 30 debate lies—this NYT-bestselling author found 602. Please share this free report. PROOF: Trump's Shocking Box Score: 602 Lies in 40 Minutes 🔗: sethabramson.substack.com/p/donald-tru...
Donald Trump's Shocking Box Score: 602 Lies in Just 40 Minutes, An Unprecedented Tsunami of Deceit That Is Disqualifyingsethabramson.substack.com The debate performance Trump just turned in was the most shameful in U.S. political history. It doesn’t matter who’s running against him because he’s nonviable. And now some breaking news confirms it.
“The framers, who were adamant that the presidency not resemble the monarchy they had just fought a revolutionary war to escape, purposefully left presidential immunity out of the Constitution. They were explicit that presidents would not be above the law.” www.motherjones.com/politics/202...
The Supreme Court just put Trump above the lawwww.motherjones.com In handing him a win in his immunity case, the justices obliterated the courts’ ability to rein in presidents.
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Also, huh, wonder if any of the six members of SCOTUS doing this has done anything remotely illegal. Could Biden send the FBI to their houses and offices to check it out? Seems so!
Sickening from a historical perspective. When will the country stop pretending that the emperor has clothes?
Not great… not awesome
I’ve seen stranger things, and my back yard isn’t upside down. #backyardgarden #pumpkin
A person must be a minimum of 35 to run for the US presidency. Why not add maximum age? And please add term limits so that very old people who refuse to give up power can be celebrated for their service while they are able to retire and enjoy their remaining life. www.kentucky.com/opinion/lind...
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Not to be all lib but it’s pretty funny that if you just make up shit and lie to everyone it’s totally fine but if you’re not good at doing the performance in this piece of performance art you lose
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how does living in this world not radicalize you
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Transphobia exists to abuse and control all women, not just trans women. They will do it to you if they'll do it to her.
The Great West Race banned trans women from competing as women. The result? A cisgender mother of four won the race this year, and then faced a deluge of anti-trans harassment. How giving in to transphobic hate campaigns empowers them, today on Assigned Media.
Cis Mom Harassed by Transphobes After Winning Half-Marathon — Assignedwww.assignedmedia.org The Great West Race that Anna Harold won bans trans women from competing.
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There were 16 trans youth suicides after gender affirming care restrictions were implemented in the UK in 2020 compared with only 1 in the 7 years prior. Staff at the NHS attempted to cover it up. Hilary Cass knew but minimized what was happening. This is a massive scandal. Cass lied, kids died.