
What does it say about our society that "Think of the poor doggos!" is a more effective PSA against setting off fireworks in residential areas than "You have actual human neighbors you see every day with severe mental health issues who you are giving trauma responses"
Is it that the mentally ill are seen as less valuable than a chocolate lab? Because it feels like we are seen as less valuable than a chocolate lab.
most people don't care about other people. capitalism sets us all up in an adversarial position woth the rest of humanity and it's the root of the "fuck you got mine" mindset that so many people have. their anything positive outweighs the negatives to others.
Partially, I think there's also this attitude that an actual person should "know better". The classic, "You're an adult, learn to live with it" attitude that so many people treat mental health issues with.
I reckon it's the idea that dogs don't understand why there are suddenly kabooms happening combined with ignorance about mental illness. I don't necessarily see it as a question of value, but rather assuming that it's easy for people to take precautions and protect themselves.
Well. Yeah. You're asking them to do something, not just being a pleasing image that can't argue with them. You cost, the hypothetical of the dog does not. Obviously, fuck anyone who lets their base instincts rule their behaviors so completely - But that's the world we live in.
tbh its base and its also superstructure
I do not value mentally ill people less than a chocolate lab. I value -all- people less than a chocolate lab.
I really hope this is sarcastic
just another version of “i’m not racist, i hate all people equally”
Probably we are, but i have to admit that chocolate labs are pretty cool.
YES. You are less valuable than (for some reason) SPECIFICALLY a chocolate lab. Hating on the most loving creatures will NOT make people care more about your health. Get some damn therapy and lay off on FUCKING DOGS OF ALL THINGS.
What the fuck are you on about? Is this a bit?
Literally read what you said. I wouldn't have cared if you just said "fireworks affect some people with mental health issues." But no. You CHOSE to compare it to dogs. "Oh so the dog gets empathy but not the actual human" as if a human matters more.
Here's something I hope you figure out before it's too late: "animals deserve protection, and humans do not" is not a moral position
Humans are capable of protecting themselves. Animals aren't. A dog is at an equivalent age of 3. I would care more about a child crying than an adult. You can say "I need help too" without questioning someone else getting help.
"humans are capable of protecting themselves" isnt very far from "so fuck em entirely" and I'm pretty sure you bridged the gap in this thread
Fuck humans who use dogs in stuff like this. I wouldn't have cared if they didn't invalidate animals with the same problems. I said fuck MY neighbors cause they're assholes. Some abuse kids too.
That’s an accurate assessment (as a disabled person).
There's so many signs up with PSA's about vets. Meanwhile LAPD blew up a whole neighborhood chasing down illegal fireworks a couple years back.
That was fucking wild. Fuckin cops. Jesus Christ
"Fire in the hole" then immediately pretended like it was accidental and an NBC affiliate wasn't directly on scene to capture their coolness (criminal negligence)
To be honest, I don’t even have a trauma response but the whole month of my neighbors setting off fireworks from 9pm until 3 am isn’t doing wonders for my otherwise manageable mental health either!
This is one of the few times of year I'm glad I work nights. No one sets off fireworks during my sleeping hours, because the sunlight would make it too boring.
Lucky XD I have neighbors that set them off all day. yes, even in broad day light. all summer long
I’ve tried both in my appeals to neighbors. Neither work. Seriously, fuck backyard fireworks. I hate them so much.
Also, it's "burn someone's house down lottery"
Even that isn’t effective. Assholes who set off illegal aerials and other fireworks don’t give a shit because they feel entitled.
Exactly this. I know no neighbour, mine or family's/friend's, who was abusing firewoks and gave a damn about animals or anything really. I live in city with a small forrest enclosed, very close to me. Squirrels are found in quantities dead at at start of new year. Firework spammers do not care.
That is so sad! I came back to Canada 19 months ago after living in the USA for way too long. One thing I looked forward to was lack of fireworks. Somewhere between the time I left Canada and came back, fireworks became a thing here. It’s Canada Day and I’m bracing for assholes.
Thank you for this term "spammers" I'm busting it out soon I can feel it
Reading the other responses it is clear that many people don’t know that even though a human knows what is going on in their thinking part of their brain, that doesn’t mean they can make their nervous system not freak out. That’s the problem. And it can be cumulative.
Service veterans! I know one who finds the Fourth and all its fireworks extremely traumatic.
Dogs tend to be cuter than humans? That or humans are just more likely to be assholes to other humans than Scrambles the Wonder Puppy.
this same phenomenon exists with unhoused people too. Sometimes to the point some asshole will try to steal a homeless person's dog because "the animal shouldn't have to suffer"
Mox what the hell happened here how did this get someone mad
Everyone's having a bit of a day.
will it help if i hand out snacks and juice boxes or-
I mean it can’t HURT
It’s been proven that we actually do have more of an emotional response to dogs. It’s built in, not that we don’t have one for people but that it’s just more for dogs.
Dogs can’t defend themselves against fireworks, all they can do is run or hide, so they get way more sympathy. A human has more options to prepare, at least usually they do. At least that’s my guess.
That's at least part of the rationalizing, yeah. A vet knows what July 4 is, what fireworks are, and can read a calendar to know when they're going to happen. Of course, assholes setting them off for weeks before and after the firework holidays are equally unpredictable to everyone, human or dog.
At this point, whatever works for people to stop that is ok with me. 😵‍💫
it says the obvious that we been knew for a long time people dont care about eachother anywhere near as much as they care about kittens and puppies and little duckies on average, other humans occupy the "get fucked lol" space in peoples brains
many of them are increasingly likely to have all their possessions thrown into a dump truck, despite the sign posted nearby saying that they're actually at <>
It says the makers of John Wick understand humanity better than most.
Not only that, homeless people with pets are more likely to get help.
I have dysautonomia and today I was about to comment on a “think of the doggos and critters” post with “humans too” and then thought better of it for that reason. Sigh.