Jacques-Larry David

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Jacques-Larry David


A god walking among men for being relatively handsome and taking the subway.
I mentioned that I hope this is hack polling, but weirdly for Biden the press conference impressed journalists more than “normal” people, who saw their preconceptions about Biden’s capacities confirmed (VP Trump really stuck in their minds), including him sounding old & tired.
Reading ur skeets (seriously, though, one of the all-time greats)
70mm bay-bee
70mm bay-bee
Going to relax by watching Cary Grant do stuff like nearly drive off a cliff or fall off Mt. Rushmore.
This worries me and I hope this polling outlet’s a bunch of hacks. It’s notable bc the elite media was more positive on the NATO press conference too Everyone here’s blind to how weak Biden seems once you take 2 steps outside standom Posting does nothing, I just feel insane for recognizing this
This is the big issue for me—it’s an absolute failure of leadership. It’s how you get things like the senatorial candidates in AZ, MI, and WI—states needed for the electoral college—don’t want to stand on the same podium as you. I don’t think you can dismiss these people as wreckers.
Feeling old bc I saw Red Vines at the theater and immediately thought of this
I think the distribution of support in polling crosstabs is polling are basically useless but if there’s directional movement in all of them I think that does say something
POV: You’re about to arrest America’s handsomest leftist
The leftism America sadly has right now
This is the *exact* argument I’ve wanted from the president’s campaign since I started getting worried over the past couple of weeks. All in.
New Wave ice cream truck drive Catherine O’Hara
Always love it when Teri Garr puts unexpected layers in a performance
Fun vocal rhythms from this guy
Very rare that I have this sort of reaction but Rosanna Arquette’s just so cute (menacingly?) in this. Maybe something about being in the small roommate’s room in an old building and not be sure what’s next is making me nostalgic too.
Just realizing I should have watched this when we changed the clocks over
MY mom’s loosely involved with the local Ds & I cannot express how bad it is from the WI POV. The base is dispirited (small donors aren’t happy either), Baldwin’s facing potential loss to a nobody from OC, and the top is doing nothing to reassure—the opposite, maybe even shanked ⬇️From a WI-ite⬇️
Everyone realizes this isn’t any way to win an election, right? It’s a way to make an old man feel like he “gave it his all” while losing.
I do not think people here understand how bad this is. Ordinary people do have concerns, legislators aren’t just basing *their* concerns on MSM ratfucking. The thing is “I will vote for a corpse over Donald Trump” (or really “over a third party” or “staying home”) is not most people’s politics.
Even-keeled take from a locked twitter mutual
Will never get tired of the visuals of the 1938 Communist Party national convention:
I’ve been trying to figure out the reason why the last few days have unnerved me to the core, well beyond Democratic anxiety. This clarified it for me: my dad has Lewy body dementia, and the term “dementia” is being thrown around ignorantly and maliciously. It’s not the stuff of savvy quips.
It’s also quite funny because nearly everyone participating in this discourse is giving off big “Julián Castro supporter” energy
Now wondering why he felt the need to outright say, “This president is not abover the law”
Blatantly lifting from twitter (can’t remember his long-unusued @ on here)