
This 4th of July, take a little time to think about how the Left can try to reclaim patriotism from conservatives. Seems like the story of a country that cast off a king and fought a civil war to free the slaves is fertile ground given our present moment.
If you’re going to argue about the execution of America as an idea, then you aren’t understanding the power of internal mythology and you’re part of why conservatives can keep claiming it. The point is the promise of America, and the discussion should be how we can better live up to the promise.
This is legitimately inspiring stuff, and we all should ask ourselves how we can show that this is what we want instead of defaulting to “God Damn America” mode. There’s a better way.
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Was once in a meeting where someone called the founding principles bullshit. They are not bullshit, they’re aspirational! And we (non fascists and anti monarchists) should own it.
Thinking about the time NPR (I believe) posted the text of the Declaration of Independence on Twitter and right-wing accounts were freaking out it was some anti-Trump screed, while left-leaning folks were like "Yeah, it slaps."
Will never get tired of the visuals of the 1938 Communist Party national convention:
There’s a part in Ken Burns’ Civil War where someone describes Lincoln as fiercely believing in the Declaration of Independence and I think it’s important to remember that, for all the talk of the constitution, the DoI is our founding document and holds what our ideals should be, and that’s worth it
I still get chills when I read the Preamble of the Constitution. “We, the People of the United States” (not the undersigned, not the governers) “In order to form a more perfect Union” (not perfect, but we’ll keep working on it) …”secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” …
Whoever that posterity may be expanded to be - the Declaration of Independence was clear that the US needs immigration to succeed.
Living in a country that people desperately want to emigrate to is so obviously a better situation than living in a country people are desperate to escape!
good post Mr. Lund
Thank you, you’re my favorite mode of transportation
I think about this every Fourth Of July: "I love America more than any other country in this world, and exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually."-James Baldwin We love this place, and we want to extend its promises to everyone. That’s freedom.
I keep thinking about buying a punisher skull Canada flag decal for my car …. Does that work?
Ask yourself if you are burdened by what has been, and if that is preventing you from imagining what could be. I'm always saying this
Thank you. How did we so willingly give them this? The party stands for the premise of the whole concept of America yet we act like it's beyond the pale to say we're patriotic. Infuriating.
I always remind people the Statue of Liberty is a symbol for the end of slavery and few seem to know that.
I fly an American flag on my house. It’s my flag too and if only one side flies it then it becomes a symbol of only one side.