Jacques-Larry David

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Jacques-Larry David


A god walking among men for being relatively handsome and taking the subway.
What everyone’s missing is that the roll call’s supposed to be a unifying, rallying event, and the way it’s being employed here is functionally, to demoralize and split the party. It’s amazing to watch former moots on BlueSky to go Man over Party instead of vice-versa.
This is the story they're linking to, which describes a plan to accelerate the confirmation of the nomination by holding the vote via video call by the end of July (imo, making a move like this to staunch the silly alternatives and just close off the discussion isn't a terrible move)
D.N.C. Aims to Push Biden Toward Nomination Next Week, Despite Doubtswww.nytimes.com Leaders of the Democratic National Committee are aiming for a process that would formalize the nomination by the end of July, even as Democrats remain fiercely split over his candidacy.
Genuinely bizarre to me that there are parts of densely-populated, apartment building-filled West LA that don’t have sidewalks
The issue with the rent control thing isn’t the policy but it’s indicative of Warren campaign (or 2020 Sanders campaign) brain. Biden’s 2020 campaign won bc it recognized that sort of thing either didn’t connect, even w/a Dem primary electorate—why go for it now?
(The answer is that they’re trying to lock down pockets of support among potentially gettable electeds and are hoping to escalate the game of chicken instead of addressing legislators’ concerns about their ability to win).
So far this is basically the trans-bashing convention and (1) it's disgusting, and (2) I'm really not sure it's what normal people want to hear from a political party. Also if any neutral media type really care about "lowering the temperature" they should start note the hate speech in Milwaukee.
Biden’s strategy is basically try what you can to split the party, try to claim a mandate only consisting of people from areas with >D+13 PVI, and then hope everyone else recognizes things are dire enough to overcome demoralization or the politics of actual swing—or just moderate D—voters.
Got the specifics of CA’s rent control props wrong, first post deleted. I still think this stands as his treatment of the party, though—a game of chicken, and crashing the car’s better than having someone else as the nominee.
Unsolicited advice: if you want to talk to random stranger with a background in academia about their area of expertise, frame whatever you are going to say as a question— "is it this way? or is it some other way because of some other factor I haven't considered?"— rather than an assertion of fact.
Iaia of Cyzicus was a 1st century Greek artist, notable for being a woman artist who painted women’s portraits. Here’s a 15th century depiction of her in her studio, using a convex mirror painting a (very early) self-portrait (Boccaccio, De Mulieribus Claris)
I think that's right but (and no offense) that type of Yankees fans do it out of arrogance and entitlement, while the Dem thing is more like pre-winning Cubs or Red Sox fatalism.
The case for Kamala Harris.
anecdotal but i'm hearing from people about their various friends and family *who are going to vote for Trump* reacting like "oh they missed? that's a bummer"
Meyer opened his little intro with a quote from Robert Browning which was lively and definite confirmation it was the real Nicholas Meyer if there were any skeptics in the audience.
Sitting right by two middle aged white guys in a diner. One guy said, “Somebody tried to kill Trump.” The other guy said, “He’s such a dick.” They both grunted affirmation, then started talking about Shōgun. Later, they explained the timeline of Better Call Saul to each other.
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
I saw something about Biden pulling advertising and have they stopped fundraising too?
Imagining someone actually radicalized by Biden, going through the crowd to give them a mass-patting-on-the-shoulder saying “God bless” to every person he “hits.”
This honestly reminds me of when someone asked me for help interpreting the surprising thermodynamics of their model of glacial melt and it turned out there was an error in how night and day were coded.
It’s like this where it was interesting and massive upside to both finding this dynamic and finding an explanation but no, you’ve got interesting thermal dynamics because someone screwed up day and night somewhere.
Feels strange to count this as a blessing but this country’s familiarity with mass shootings is probably going to blunt the political effect.
Dang, you’re being pretty unpleasant to other people, and seem to be alienating yourself thru aggressive interactio- oh wait, you say you’re a pessimist, and that makes it acceptable? And you say you’re also mean to your friends? Why, you’re a noble figure! I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you at first.
Patrick Stewart admits popular music "has never played a big part in my life" and recalls how he didn't recognize Sting on the set of Dune
Someone shot at Trump and managed to kill someone else.
And 10/7’s a consequence of Rabin’s assassination. People thought Jo Cox’s killing would wake people up to the path Britain was going down but they went that way anyway (something that really shook me as a still-EU-resident).
I have not seen the film/read the book but isn’t that Homer Simpson kind of a dark character?
Again, could really do without additional commitment to 1968ery from the universe
I’d like to say Lawrence of Arabia’s better than I remember, but seeing it in 70mm is like seeing it for the first time.
Irish breakfast tea and toast with Irish butter in preparation for a Peter O’Toole movie later this morning