David Brody

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David Brody


Digital Justice Initiative, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.
Privacy rights are civil rights.
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We're hiring! Are you a tech policy advocate focused on the racial justice impacts of privacy, AI, and this whole internet thing? Apply to join us at the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, working on digital justice and public policy!
Policy Counsel/Advisor - Public Policy & Digital Justice Initiatives - Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law - Career Pagelawyerscommitteeforcivilrightsunderlaw.applytojob.com Apply to Policy Counsel/Advisor - Public Policy & Digital Justice Initiatives at Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law in Washington, DC.
We're hiring! Are you a tech policy advocate focused on the racial justice impacts of privacy, AI, and this whole internet thing? Apply to join us at the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, working on digital justice and public policy!
Policy Counsel/Advisor - Public Policy & Digital Justice Initiatives - Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law - Career Pagelawyerscommitteeforcivilrightsunderlaw.applytojob.com Apply to Policy Counsel/Advisor - Public Policy & Digital Justice Initiatives at Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law in Washington, DC.
The grandfather of one of my relatives, when his wife died, bought two coffins because he got such a good deal on the first one. He kept the second in the garage for himself. The savings were to die for.
When my Dad died we found out he already had bought a plot and didn't tell anyone so we thought he knew he was sick but then the guy at the cemetery was like, no it was a BOGO deal day so that's why he got it lmao
Social media platforms are places of public accommodation under many state civil rights laws (incl NY). That means it is unlawful to interfere with someone’s equal enjoyment of the platform on the basis of race, sex, etc. Chasing someone off the platform is like chasing them out of a restaurant.
There’s a whole subnormal subculture of people on here who are obsessed with running people off the site. The vast majority of the time they fail (as, one senses, they do at nearly everything in their lives). But they’re very happy when they succeed. /1
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Breaking: hackers stole call and text records for "nearly all" AT&T customers. Shows which phone numbers a customer called or texted. A staggering and unprecedented data breach. Data usually only available to authorities; now hackers got it www.404media.co/hackers-stea...
Hackers Steal Text and Call Records of ‘Nearly All’ AT&T Customerswww.404media.co In one of the most significant data breaches in recent history, hackers stole AT&T customers’ call and text metadata spanning several months.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
The Highlanders
Ruin a movie by making it plural: LaLa's Land
This has to be the most cost effective way of buying goodwill with your neighbors. Also, I can confirm their hospitality. Her husband was one of my professors and hosted the whole class for a holiday party. It was very welcoming and their Victorian house was exquisitely and tastefully decorated.
We used to live around the block from Elizabeth Warren, and I personally witnessed her giving out full-size candy bars on Halloween, I’m just saying
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I think people who follow politics already knew Trump’s awful positions, and weren’t surprised. But they were surprised by Biden being worse than the political commentariat thought he was. Regular people already thought Biden was too old, but they may have forgotten how extreme and awful Trump is.
you can also tell how comfortable people in media have become with basically seeing the radical right as normalized. the headline from the debate should’ve been to the effect of highlighting trump’s comments about jan 6, not recognizing the results of this election if he loses, and roe v wade 🤷🏻‍♀️
I think people who follow politics already knew Trump’s awful positions, and weren’t surprised. But they were surprised by Biden being worse than the political commentariat thought he was. Regular people already thought Biden was too old, but they may have forgotten how extreme and awful Trump is.
you can also tell how comfortable people in media have become with basically seeing the radical right as normalized. the headline from the debate should’ve been to the effect of highlighting trump’s comments about jan 6, not recognizing the results of this election if he loses, and roe v wade 🤷🏻‍♀️
Reposted byAvatar David Brody
it feels like the whiteness of big political media spaces right now is having a big effect on how people are thinking about the debate. eg I have seen relatively little discussion of trump's "black jobs" comment, which immediately exploded on black twitter
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another day, another "welp" my latest @ WIRED: "Surprise! The Latest 'Comprehensive' US Privacy Bill Is Doomed" www.wired.com/story/apra-p...
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This is more or less the plot of Running Man, which was obviously a highly nuanced utopian political exposition.
Is there anything he can say that would be too far? Does too far even exist as a concept anymore? www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
Part of the challenge here is similar to the effects of Uber replacing taxis: Twitter was so efficient for orgs to get their msgs out that many orgs underinvested in comms staff and became over-reliant. Now they don’t have infrastructure to pivot even if they want to, even as their reach shrinks.
The failure of the left to organize any form of collective action since Musk turned X into a Nazi propaganda network will have lasting repercussions. I consider myself part of the collective action failure, but it’s disturbing how many people + orgs have defaulted to staying on there.
It’s not hard to get a meeting with agency staff who write regulations. They’re used to biz interests calling them so they’re thrilled anytime a real person or cmty org gives another perspective. But you have to find the office drafting the rule, which is tricky. Don’t just call the front office.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
*Whispers* The only politically feasible way to get a federal comprehensive privacy law is a bipartisan compromise that will preempt some state privacy laws. And we need a federal law so that everyone nationwide is protected.
The federal government of the United States of America says: “Your therapy bots aren’t licensed psychologists, your AI girlfriends are neither girls nor friends, your griefbots have no soul, and your AI copilots are not gods.”
Succor borne every minutewww.ftc.gov Earnest chats with objects are not so unusual. Mark “The Bird” Fidrych, the famed Detroit Tiger, used to stand on the pitching mound whispering to the baseball. Forky, the highly animate utensil from ...
This is an example of how good comprehensive privacy legislation is a baseline prerequisite for regulating AI.
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Trying (unsuccessfully) to convince my kids that “Father’s Day Eve” is a thing and we should be celebrating it.
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"The longer a woman works at Apple, the larger the gap in compensation she receives compared to similarly situated men," the proposed class action alleged. arstechnica.com/tech-policy/...
Apple punishes women for same behaviors that get men promoted, lawsuit saysarstechnica.com Apple could owe thousands in back pay to 12,000 female employees.
Arguendo. It’s (possibly fake) lawyer Latin meaning “for the sake of argument.” It’s often used when you want to make two inconsistent arguments without conceding that one of them is wrong, and your brief has a word limit. Eg, “The sky is red. But assuming arguendo it’s not, then the sky it’s blue.”
quote this post with a fun word you know that other people might not know. can be in any language
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Good decision from Michigan SCT that deceptive robocalls threatening Black voters in Detroit in 2020 can constitute voter intimidation. In NCBCP v. Wohl, we won a case holding these robocalls violated the Voting Rights Act and KKK Act. 1st case ever on voter intimidation via electronic comms.
Reposted byAvatar David Brody
Good decision from Michigan SCT that deceptive robocalls threatening Black voters in Detroit in 2020 can constitute voter intimidation. In NCBCP v. Wohl, we won a case holding these robocalls violated the Voting Rights Act and KKK Act. 1st case ever on voter intimidation via electronic comms.
Vermont Governor Phil Scott just vetoed Vermont’s new comprehensive data privacy law, which included civil rights protections and data minimization requirements. It would have been one of the strongest state privacy laws in the nation.