
If you actually read the two cases putting preliminary injunctions on pieces of Biden's income-driven repayment program, as I did, you find they are contradictory, inconsistent with 30 years of IDR in practice, and totally unworkable:
Student Loan Rulings Highlight Unaccountable Judicial Power— Two judges this week invalidated part of a program that’s been in place for 30 years. The rulings contradict each other and seem unworkable in practice.
the proper response here by the Biden admin is to put out a statement highlighting these issues and inconsistency, end it with a declaration that they are NOT bound by such literally unprecedented and illegal rulings, and ARE bound "to take care that the laws be faithfully executed".
personally i'd be very happy with "all affected loans are in temporary administrative forbearance while this litigation resolves"
It's almost as if they are operating in bad faith.
This pisses me off so goddamn much. Me and my wife (thankfully!) have our publicly-held student debt forgiven under the defucked PSLF/IDR program/waiver, and I truly believe this new IDR plan will help way more people than the one-time forgiveness that got tossed out
It did me. If my loans get re-instated because the plan got thrown out I will cry. Then get very very very angry.
It's like having several hundred Presidents simultaneously
Mine looks surprisingly similar. 😑
These decisions are so much worse than the headlines make it seem (judges strike down Biden loan program). Good article
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If you got your terminal law degree in 1979 or 1981 as those two justices did, you shouldn’t get to weigh in on loan forgiveness now; they went to school in BBC a completely different financial climate.
This is the first I am even hearing of these rulings, and I am now completely confused on how to manage my finances. My debt hasnt been forgiven, but I have no idea what my bill will be next month or next year. Loan payment is my biggest bill after rent. Absolutely absurd.
I didn't get into that in this piece but absolutely. The one judge said it didn't matter whether a party makes money from the actions of the Education Dept, it should still be able to sue.
Do you know if, I’m accepted under the plans but deferred to 2025 payments (didn’t have a job earlier this year) I’ll still get the Lower payment?
They've blocked the 7/1 move to a 5% payment cap, so until the case is resolved, payments hold where they are (so if you start payments before they rule on the case, your SAVE cap is 10%).
I’m not paying now (started when I wasn’t employed) but have redetermination in January