Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl

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Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl


I'm a writer, a poet, a radio talker, I know it. I don't buy nonfiction, I grow it. Novelist. Magazines.
6 James Beard Awards, McKnight Fellow, FAWC teacher; NYC 4th gen, leading my best snowy, writing life in Mpls.
When you see a sleeping dog but you don’t let her just lay there you stick out your phone to photograph and she’s like: Squirrel? But then goes back to sleep. #summer
Mogg is out! DRINK! At least he can fall back on the family business of sending children up chimneys.
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
Jacob Rees-Mogg has lost his seat, and now must return home to the 18th century.
Guidance for US people trying to understand the UK election results later: Tories under 150 seats: LOL Tories under 120 seats: LMAO Tories under 100 seats: ROFL
My favorite crunchy crunch crunch 💥📣
I’ll be just wrecked today because of the 6 hour delay yesterday and that wasn’t even that bad… comparatively, I made it home. But now I’m thinking about Mussolini, trains running on time, etc. Is the enshittification of everything making some long for fascism? I wonder…
I took my beloved on a sailboat and they gave her a life jacket 🥹🧡
How the Republican thugs, grifters, and crooks on the Roberts Court declared themselves victorious over expertise itself in one of the most dangerous and shamefully corrupt decisions in Supreme Court history. [gift link] wapo.st/3VBMZi0
Analysis | The Supreme Court gives the right a huge victory over expertisewapo.st In rejecting the decades-long practice of deferring to government agencies, the conservative court gave the right a huge win in its push to sideline experts.
Thinking about taking my dog on a romantic sunset schooner cruise yes/no
Thank you, JFK, for protecting the cape cod national seashore, we should be adding to your legacy but we can’t seem to get our shit together. ✨
I’ve taken a lot of horrible photos of seagulls in my life and damned if I’m going to stop now.
Tourists on the streets looked at Clio and announced: Only in Provincetown! Should I disillusion them? Greetings from the land of Prince, mothercluckers!
I’ve navigated airports with dogs and without and let me tell you which is better ✨
The very definition of: A writer’s cat.
Spent solstice enjoying wet flowers in the rain. Seems right ✨
Last night. I don’t know these folks but I like to think they also love the world. ✨
It's my experience that people who love wildlife spend most of their lives in a state of quiet anguish watching what they love be systematically destroyed, sometimes up close. So probably they also don't have a lot of patience for cutesy hate-comments about bugs or snakes or whatever.
Looking in two directions ✨🐿️✨
In case you’d like a look under the hood of the madness that is Facebook.
There’s lightning in the sky and all kinds of people are just kicking back and watching from picnic blankets. I love #minnesota
Whoa. This is a big deal because it starts to quantify health benefits, which are hugely, hugely under-appreciated when it comes to assessing the economic value of renewable energy. Cleaner air *also* contributes to lower cancer and cardiovascular risk. 🧪
A new study says that due to an increase of around 55% in wind and solar generation between 2019 and 2022, air quality in the United States shot up and asthma risk fell. #ShareGoodNewsToo buff.ly/3Rh9C9Z
Increasing use of renewable energy in US yields billions of dollars of benefitsbuff.ly New study published in Cell Reports Sustainability finds emission reductions provided $249bn of climate and health benefits
I'm just consistently shocked by the fact that she just walked up to them and got them to say this. Obviously, it shows how untouchable they believe they are, but...you mean, no other reporter has ever thought of this? Or tried it? What are we even doing here?
I was the only person out looking at this sunset on an 80 degree night. I’m going to now have: Fear of Going Inside. What could I miss?
I would respect the Norm Respecters a lot more if they spent more time worrying about the fact that one of our two political parties is run by a mob boss who is consistently breaking norms like “don’t target everyone you don’t like with death threats” and less time worrying about being rude
Remember when the most important issue was civility in politics because restaurant workers politely decline to serve Sarah Sanders and now everyone targeted by Trump or his cronies needs private security and we don’t talk about civility much anymore www.nbcnews.com/politics/don...
Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his convictionwww.nbcnews.com On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.
Trump called fallen service members "losers" and "suckers" — according to his chief of staff — he publicly accused soldiers with PTSD of not being "strong," demeaned POWs, and insulted Gold Star parents & a widow. When he pretends to honor service members today, don't believe it.
I love that a random street corner in Minneapolis has a Dr Who tribute. But also it’s kind of funny to think about the layers of explanation neighborhood families have to go into. Ok, there weren’t always cell phones, they called these phone booths, you carried coins. Now, in England…