Decker Harrison

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Decker Harrison

Gamer,Nerd,Workshop Scientist💥😳, ""SciFi""!!❤er
Patting people on the back Far more talented than I😁
Banner art is by Kimmo Lemetti ,weird Humour👍👍
Louise🤔 is My SpiritDemon,So maybe Duck! 🤣
Thankfully Science marches on 👍
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
🪶 Eagles consume lead mostly through animal carcasses & gut piles with lead ammunition. A lead bullet fragment the size of a grain of rice is enough to kill a bald eagle. Lead poisoning has suppressed population growth rates of bald eagles across North America by almost 4%.
Lead poisoning continues to impact bald eagle populations in Pennsylvania and Reports of bald eagles dying from lead ammunition poisoning continue as populations of the formerly endangered bird soar.
Ah just another day finding who I don't want in my happy little universe 👍🤣 Have a good weekend all
Avatar All Hail our Eternal Lord and Master let the Blue Sky TREMBLE under his Reign 🤣🤣 Or ... Cool your on Bsky
He's a politician, You expected Mother Theresa perhaps 🤔 🤣
Kim: so what do you think you'll paint while we're out here? Me: I dunno. I'll figure something out.
Erhem ,H.R. would like a word 😳🤣🤣
may i eat a tater tot out of your belly button, milady
Our galaxy is spinning around a Black Hole which will eventually consume everything. TaDa now you know its all going to end anyway 👍Enjoy life and all its wonder 🤔😳😱🤣🤣
I would like to wake up, even just occasionally, without a crushing sense of impending doom.
I would like to wake up, even just occasionally, without a crushing sense of impending doom.
Cool 👍
Trying out Bluesky! I'm Reff, a pixel artist and game developer. Here are some of my favourite artworks! #pixelart
a priest, a minister, and a rabbit walk into a bar. the rabbit says, “I think I might be a typo”
Kid Rock makes music for people that know exactly how much Sudafed they can buy before it raises eyebrows.
No No NO ,Please continue to do your part for the climate👍🤔 Natural selection is a valid form of combating #ClimateChange😳 🤣🤣🤣😁
I'm not sure how much clearer the National Park Service can make this, but seriously: STOP TRYING TO HIKE THE GRAND CANYON WHEN IT'S A HUNDRED AND TWENTY DEGREES OUTSIDE.
I came here to abandon the Insanity of Politics yet Sure Enough iess than a year of Bsky open to all 🤷‍♂️and I'm on the Block 🚫 Button 🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
❤️d watching #Glastonbury ,Awesome Weekend Gr8 Bands ,lots of New music finds for Me 👍 Love that Tech allows me to watch from home. Favorite Thing all Weekend though was #Flynn the Where's Waldo kid of #Glasto24 kept popping up all over. Oh to be young again 🤣🤣 Much ❤️ 2all 🙏😁
🤣🤣Not a fan cause they are Obviously 💩
I know nobody likes Coldplay everybody knows they’re rubbish, so it’s a shame to see them playing to this huge empty field and getting no reaction at all. Poor lads. #Glastonbury
My wife has just described LCD Soundsystem as "old man music". I note I'm not the one already in pyjamas... #Glastonbury #LosingMyEdge
Idles using their platform and tv spot #glastonbury
Sounds about right for one of his rallies, one man ,one woman and not one thought between them
Farage calls his rally “the thinking man and thinking woman’s alternative to Glastonbury”.
I can't believe we, as a species, invented bread and cheese - two things that require multiple, complicated steps as well as microbe husbandry - and this is the best political system we've got
When / why did “by accident” become “on accident” and can we go back?
Every 🦆n Day 🤣
I am an existentialist and I approve this message.
Saw a Reddit guy saying he's disappointed about Echoes of Wisdom because while he understands people wanted to play as Zelda for a long time, he prefers to play as Link and they should make more games where you play as Link. Buddy wait till you hear about the games they've been making for 38 years
Imagine going back exactly 25 years ago, when the actual Napster launched, and predicting this...
My fortune cookie had an ad for napster in it. This is hands down the worst time to be alive