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That guy who exists on the internet for whatever reason.
This isn't accurate. Certainly in the early days of Paleontology. Back when you had the jealous fanatical ego maniac Richard Owen trying to completely discredit his peers. Modern Paleontology is *very* different. It helps we understand the concept of evolution, and that Birds ARE dinosaurs.
They want to taste the heat (or lack of) and NOT the Meat!?
It was a weird fad(?) from ~2010-2016 in where everyone in tech and tech media got high on their own supply. Phones and Tablets were the future, for *everything*. Everything must have an app, everything except phones and tablets are fading away/dead.
2015: The year that gaming handhelds feel like they're finally fading At this year's E3, we'll hear a lot about PCs, game consoles, and virtual reality. But we've heard very, very little about portable gaming -- unless it's on a phone.
I never really thought about it, but yeah. Just like how everything today is trying to push AI, and it has the collective going "Why?" It was the same thing except with Touch screen interfaces, and mobile connectivity. - Why does a toaster oven or fridge have an app? Cause Apps are the new 'thing'
Was thinking of upgrading to a 5800X 3D, just cause its a lot more logical then buying a new CPU + Motherboard + RAM, when the latter two aren't even bad. I don't really have a use for things that modern mobos have like >1gb Ethernet since I don't have a >1gb Router/switch yet, exc.
100%! I DON'T WANT APPS FOR WHATS ESSENTIALLY A WEBSITE. An FTP server? - Thats an app! A videogame - Thats an app! Ordering your food online? - THATS A WEBSITE.
Sometimes moderating can be difficult, with no real good answer. Other times its the easiest, clear cut, no-brainer, zero downsides, black and white, slam dunk, no contest, hands-down, undebatable, simplest call you will *ever* make in your entire life.
I believe partially the blame goes to how Google's search results are so absolutely shit these past few years. You google simple things, and your lead to miles of ads, AI written articles, and other nonsense that has nothing to do with what your searching.
Mazes and Monsters is a far out game, swords, poison, spells, battles, maiming, killing!
Who the fuck goes and brags about shooting a family pet!?
Reefill no longer exists, but in case anyone else tries: Better method: Open it up. Chances are it isn't actually that complicated, just a computer in between the button and the valve or however these fountains work. Bypass it. Defile any sort of mention of cost on the top. This is free now.
In my experience, most of these small brand techbro things, like rent able bikes are not like the Juicero. Making custom electric bikes, Scooters, Water fountains. EXPENSIVE. Take an existing product, stick a microcontroller in it to operate some kinda lock? CHEAP AND EASY!
It so weird now seeing mods from beyond 2018 be in the top 100. I do hope people aren't just downloading the "top mods" because a LOT of them were outdated, buggy, and cause a ton of issues. When the player base shrank, it became impossible for new mods to get the downloads to replace older ones.
This is actually general advise for all Bethesda games on Nexus. Just because something is in the Top downloads of all time doesn't inherently mean its good. It just means it was popular when the game was popular. AWKCR being a prime example. Today its bloated, not needed, and shown to cause CTDs.
The only AI image that I had ever cared about was Mr Chedda, but he broke my heart. At the time I thought it was a Photoshop/render. But looking at him as a full sized image in it's original resolution it was obvious...
I had a sneaking feeling this was how it worked. If this was truly automated, you would see the tech behind it implemented *everywhere*, like you see with other fad tech trends.
Safe and Fast is an oxymoron when it comes to construction.
I don't think anything besides land could have stopped a ship like that. When a cargo ship gets beached, it isn't because the water level went down 10 meters, or even that the waterline got that far. They will ride on top of of land for hundreds of feet before stopping. Its just THAT much momentum.
This is America, and in America we don't like spending money if it helps 'other' people.
They better be made from Mahogany from the planet of Malchior 7, where the trees are 300ft tall and breathe fire.
Pockets that somehow let me carry anything and everything.
I feel like I would drive anyone who lives below me crazy without soundproofing. I'm one of *those* people who gets up and walks around in the middle of the night, cause they sit too much during the day.
... *hacker voice* I'm in
End of feed.