Lissa Harris

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Lissa Harris

pompe à chaleur. recovering local digital news reporter. volunteer firefighter. climate solutions and NYS policy watcher. feral rural sword queer. Gideon the Sixth

as a resident of a place that receives a great many tourists from NYC: SWEET BABY JESUS will somebody tell these poor baby city kids that TRASH ON STREET = BEARS DESTROYING SHIT EVERYWHERE
New York has a long history of refusing to borrow ideas about how cities work from other places and then acting like it invented an idea when it finally does, but “put trash in bins instead of piling bags on sidewalks” takes the cake.
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Look I'm no biden stan but I'm just saying, if establishment Democrats are lookin to do something completely out of pocket to try to lock it up 4 months from now, forcing out the sitting president ain't the move as springs to mind. Filibuster→ Supreme Court→ Student Loans→ Healthcare→Legal Weed→Done
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It's time for white Democrats in Congress, white editors & journalists in media, white donors, & white elites to listen to Black Democrats & Black voters who are sticking with Joe Biden. Black voters saved America's ass in 2020. Black voters would suffer most under Trump. Listen to Black voters
“More free time can also be a climate strategy.” I know this in my soul, and have been working on building my life that way on purpose, partly to make way for volunteer work but also partly just to disengage from the emissions-intensive rat race even though I know this! the guilt is hard to shake
A positive vision of the good life we could all have ahead when we fight for it together, from 🚄🥾🏖️🤽🏊🏸 💛
Why We Should Care About Low-Carbon Investments in tangible spaces for leisure can increase connection and fun activities while reducing carbon emissions.
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A positive vision of the good life we could all have ahead when we fight for it together, from 🚄🥾🏖️🤽🏊🏸 💛
Why We Should Care About Low-Carbon Investments in tangible spaces for leisure can increase connection and fun activities while reducing carbon emissions.
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A lawyer on Twitter got so livid with me when I asked what the point of going to law school was if the 5th Circuit purposefully misinterprets the law to fit their ideology and I stand by that
The 5th Circuit grants a Texas father the right to deny his daughter access to birth control, holding that Title X does not override parents' "right to consent to their teenagers’ obtaining contraceptives" under state law. (via
PSA: your priors on clean tech are probably getting a bit long in the tooth even mine! the good tech is getting really really good, really really fast be advised
I think one problem with the green energy transition (incl. green power + electrification) is that people don't know how far technology has advanced. So they think the transition is more difficult and expensive than it really is. The reverse is also sometimes true, but less often, IMO. 1/
the ADHD urge to get up and make tea 90 seconds before the zoom meeting starts
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as a CSA survivor - or, as I like to put it, a member of the Gashlycrumb Tinies Alumni Club - you truly do not know if you are a person who supports survivors til someone you love is accused the only people in my life who have ever been shitty to me about it are those close to my perp
Wow, “Alice Munro was a monster” is a plot twist I didn’t see coming
omfg I love this
Solar Hot Water for seed tables in the fist hoop house. Flexible tubing under wire grid tables. Seed trays. Plants popping out.
it’s not a lot, but I got a casual “the volunteer fire department is on the front lines of what climate change is doing to our little communities” on my very bro-ey live radio appearance from our department’s Fourth of July carnival this weekend
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France dropkicked a baldly fascist political coalition out of office, imo if we can’t manage to do the same we should give back the Statue of Liberty
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I was interviewing a French journalist and he said public ownership of the major infrastructure for water and electricity is a massive anti-fascist coalition builder among labor, greens, socialists AND the public at large when benefits are widely shared and immediately felt (and would be missed!)
There is particular power in such an ideologically diverse coalition rejecting the French right because fascists should be reminded often that they’re repugnant to a broad swath of society, not just getting outmaneuvered by the wily left
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A widely predicted victory for the far right in France has instead turned into a victory for the left *because people turned out in record numbers to vote.* Defeat is not inevitable and more progressive elected officials means more progressive policies.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
ferris wheel said trans rights
give me a movie character you’re gay for (excruciatingly and eternally)
give me a movie character you're gay for
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There's a general problem here, being unable to tell the difference between people publicly processing grief, and people goading you to embrace "why bother, it all sucks" doomerism Often, this isn't anyone's fault. You can't always tell the difference unless you know the poster well, maybe offline
I grew up with and took a lot of damage from people who told me that I wasn't allowed to feel what I felt, that it showed that inside I was weak and sinful. Fuck them, and if you've spent today chiding people for feeling upset about truly unprecedented shit, fuck you too.
POV: you’re on live radio with WRIP at the fire department carnival, hollering at people to volunteer for their community
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My current experimental #NuclearEmbroidery. I am working to improve my skills & stitch repertoire which also involves improving my materials. A notional Teller-Ulam thermonuclear explosive design on a linen-cotton blend. Interstage is my first serious long-and-short attempt & it came out ok.
oh NO it me
Changing my bio to “I can’t be removed, but I can be turned off temporarily”
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can confirm
oh i can totally believe that. the thing about HEMA is that it seems incredibly fun but also the deepest autistic rabbit hole imaginable
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The attempt to get radical leftists to engage with politics as it is lived is actually mostly a struggle to get them to not prefer a glorious suicide over a frustrated life
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sorry if this is too kinky but can you hold my hand and tell me i mean a lot to you