
(me finding gems in an RPG)
whenever i'm playing a game and there's a cemetery in it Im like, come on. can i please leave work at work
i imagine knowing anything about fighting, weapons or armor is very annoying in video games but knowing what gems look like is kind of a curse and a burden
my videogame pet peeve is when caves are lit by candles and/or torches — who refuels them all? even if there's some folks who live there, why would they install a network of torches to keep the whole space lit 24/7, instead of just carrying individual ones around where needed?
and even granting that, how are they getting wax or kerosene or whatever to keep their lights lit, unless they're raising bees or pumping fossil fuels or harvesting whale oil or something... none of which are the sort of thing "some guy living in a cave" is likely doing on their own
im now imagining a dnd with a realistic economy where all the gems and gold are worthless and whale oil is incredibly expensive
Kind of curious where aluminum would end up on the price scale in this hypothetical.
i know it used to be incredibly expensive, more than gold, but i forget why lol
We couldn't extract it from the ore in any efficient way. The more efficient process also requires electrolyzing aluminum oxide dissolved in molten salt, so...not exactly easy with pre-industrial processes. Needs a hell of a heat source.
oh i absolutely just let this one go to avoid becoming insane
searching steam for Torch Refueling Simulator 1400
seriously tho who did this back then
I also get really concerned about the amount of smoke that torches would produce
I’ve seen bioluminescent glow worms in video game caves a few times now, which is also kinda funny because they’re localised entirely to NZ and Australia and the first time I saw them was in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
I support the videogame glow worms though
yeah you're starting in a cave and making the air quality *worse* pretty much constantly? there's definitely people dying of CO poisoning in there
Most first person shooters have the ejector port on the left side of a gun being held in the right hand because it's the more visually-interesting side of the weapon, but that means it's backwards and it throws hot brass into your face instead of away from it. Almost all of them do this.
I regularly scowl at games that make up fake mushrooms or blame things on spores that spores can't do. And mushrooms don't grow in caves! If plants don't grow there, there's nothing for them to eat! I shouldn't be finding mushrooms in caves, even cool looking glowing ones.
oh this is a real curse and burden
Okay but what if bat cordyceps?
Cordyceps and other stuff that parasitizes arthropods relies (among other things) on them not having a dedicated circulatory and lymphatic system, that's why fungal infections in mammals look so different. TLoU gets a pass because clickers look cool and everyone is gay.
extremely unrealistic mushrooms there
Because of some cultural differences mushrooms were legal in Japan, and the culture around them was similar to American psychedelic culture, so mushrooms making you big/small makes sense. A. muscaria are a common symbol of the subculture but rarely consumed because of side effects. So, accurate-ish.
(mushrooms filled this role because cannabis was highly criminalized and socially stigmatized similar to heroin or meth here in the 20th century, I don't 100% understand how that happened)
i imagine you also "love" the diablo/torchlight style gem upgrades -- clearly, better gems are made by smashing together 3 smaller gems into one that's bigger and nicer-looking, right?
haha i actually played a lot of the GemCraft tower defense games when I was young and so i just fully abstract that as unrelated to gems in any way
It's at least pretty nice when there's a reasonable pollaxe or something
Are there any games that consistently get it right?
it's been a while but iirc the sims gets the cuts mostly right though to have the gems show up in the world they're all fuckin museum size
Shooting the TV as someone turns on Columns for Sega Genesis.
the worst part for me has been working on graphics/video games and then while playing games being distracted thinking about how they did something