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Just a little grey duck in a big grey world. He/him. (Not to be mistaken for ho/hum.) My main textual output is (or should be, if I'm behaving myself) over at my not-a-blog:
Last night's viewing was MST3K The Movie. Maybe tonight I go for the best of them all (to me, anyway). That's right. Jack freakin' Frost. Or should I try RiffTrax's version ("Father Frost") instead? Hmm.
Comfort-food comedy viewing accomplished. Soon, bedtime. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel less blah about everything.
One of the deep cut in jokes of MST3k The Movie is also super subtle...a few brief moments of "the haunting Torgo Theme."
Right arm is cranky with me, shoulder to fingertips. Time to not be playing games, reading a book... Guess I'll curl up on the couch with MST3K The Movie or something.
Running out the clock on Sunday by watching the #MST3K YouTube forever-a-thon stream, but the bad news is... it's Rocket Attack USA. Wow, what a grim, poorly-assembled flick. The "general on the phone" clearly filmed in a big empty room. For starters.
Summer 2024 is shaping up to be "catch up on your sleep and/or backlog and/or TBR pile" season, and that's... fine? (Also hey anime industry, maybe take the hint to make fewer shows overall and thus go easier on your workers? Just a thought.)
Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? – Episode 1 There's a decent premise here, but the characters are unspeakably dull.
Hmm. A good day to stay away from social media, or at least to buff up one's muted words lists...
Reposted byAvatar GreyDuck
SundayPixies are so very talented. There are lots of superb animal photos on the #SundayPix Feed. #photography 📷 Feed:
The more I really look at the McFarlane figurine for Ryoko, the more I think it's some other figurine cosplaying as Ryoko, which is a weird thought to have. At any rate, she's out of her packaging and on the display shelf at long, long, LONG last.
Got the grocery run over and done with, home by 11. It's time to kick back, play some video games, and bask in the central air cooling.
Reposted byAvatar GreyDuck
Hey #Satisfactory people... one last bit of 1.0 info before Coffee Stain goes on collective vacation, and let me warn anyone who has actually completed the Phase 4 shipment in Early Access... you may cuss at the video at one point.
NEW MERCH, Vacation, and Something we want to YouTube video by Coffee Stain Studios
If you don't think you can exhaust yourself physically by spending a half dozen solid hours thinking as hard as you can about a problem, well, you clearly haven't tried hard enough. I wiped myself *out* yesterday. Spent almost the entire evening in bed, then slept the night through.
I don't have a stutter but I have *always* had what I (semi-)jokingly refer to as "binary selection errors": There are two words in my mind, I know which one I want to say, but the other one falls out of my mouth. This happens almost *daily*. I hate it. I can't give Biden crap about *that* gaffe.
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
Reposted byAvatar GreyDuck
Like we get to read stories about how Google's ceo made $220m in 2022 and the company is doing a $40bn share buyback as Google search falls to ruin and emails come out that involve the money guys saying "yeah man why don't we find ways to make more money even if it's worse."
Reposted byAvatar GreyDuck
Hey are you in Portland? If you go to Powells you can find books signed by me!
Does Bourne Legacy count? It seems everyone considers it a waste of film, a lame attempt at franchise expansion, but it really works for me. Renner's the right guy for that specific acting job and he sells the different stages of Aaron Cross' mental journey pretty well.
Alright timeline cleanser time: What are some bad movies that you unironically love? I don’t mean like MST3K love here. It’s not a good movie, but you enjoy it on its own merits anyway I am starting with The Accountant
Tonight's co-op #Satisfactory is really just running down the clock. If you'd like to watch, you'll see Spud working on his (latest) monument to hubris:
Newbiespud - Jack-of-all-trades content producer.
I ran a training session for the tech team this morning and got through it on time, smoothly, sounding like I knew what the heck I was talking about, and covered all of the important bits in a reasonably sensible order. (Yeah, I know. I'm shocked too.)
Anyone done anything cool lately? Personal victory? End of a hard journey? Please use this excuse to brag on yourself!
Reposted byAvatar GreyDuck
I've been saying it for a while now: I get developer emails from Microsoft - they outright brag about how many people are "logging on to Copilot to help them" every day. They don't care that, like, 50% are so people can make shit to dunk on it. Engagement is engagement, which justifies bigger spend.
Shades of the push for us all to do our part for recycling, while ignoring the huge amounts of waste generated by big corporations...
Pge: I know it’s triple digit heat out there, but if you l could be so kind as to turn off your AC this afternoon and evening? Me: No, go yell at Nike and Intel
If I was going to give this one a light-novel-y title, it might be That Time I Nearly Tried To Gatekeep This One Hot Girl Who Is Into My Favorite Thing And Did I Mention She's Hot? or something. I can't really care enough to try harder on this one, it shall henceforth be this season's punching bag.
2.5 Dimensional Seduction – Episode 1 This premiere would like dudes to know it’s totally cool for girls to like things. As long as they like them in the exact same way you do. And are hot.
Reposted byAvatar GreyDuck
Reminder that AC can cause dehydration. I know that there is a heat wave hitting and it’s super easy to think “I’ve got AC so I’m good” and not realize that you’re getting dehydrated. Keep water close to hand and take a drink regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Sometimes what you need is several hours of fun (and occasionally baffling) anime to round out your Saturday, curated by someone else so you don't have to go, "What do I actually *want* to watch right now?"
I'm not sure the heat domes are *competing*, really... One wonders, sometimes, if there's actual political will to mitigate what's happening. Because it kinda seems like, no.
Rare event! Competing heat domes in the Southeast and Southwest US crank out two huge all-time record highs. Palm Springs 124 and Raleigh=Durham 106 with a heat index of 118! Las Vegas is forecast to break their all-time high this weekend and even Death Valley may come close.
This has a good chance of being THE cozy-watching pick of the season. I really liked the first episode.
Dungeon People – Episode 1 Cozy and likable, and it's nice to see a father-daughter story that's primarily about the daughter
Speaking of anime: Quality Assurance in Another World left an impression, partly for the way it zigged when I expected it to zag and partly for the refreshingly distinctive art style. It's playing in a well-used sandbox but in kind of a new way. Go into the first episode unspoiled if you can.