
From reading the article, there’s a ton of “yay for police!” to get through before the information that the city deployed social workers who referred troubled kids and their families to Social Services instead of putting them in the system.
I don’t wanna be one of those condescending this is so wholesome uwu people but like This makes me so happy. That young people are getting the help they need before making decisions they will regret for the rest of their lives. A little dose of hope 💗
"...address the needs of the entire family" feels radical af right now. I love to see it!
A somewhat similar (though no cops) example of this kind of thing is medical/legal partnerships. Someone w/o means comes into a clinic - issue is allergies due to unremediated mold. Clinician can send that person to the legal side to help with their lease/landlord situation.
Yes, we have that service at the children's hospital here in Cincinnati and it reduced inpatient admissions by something like 25 percent 😱 It's just amazing how it's way cheaper/easier to treat poverty itself rather than all the problems it causes!!
We have a student clinic that is a combo of our medical and law schools. I'm the library liaison on the legal side. I've also helped them get ready for lobbying Congress. It's so rewarding.
Oh that sounds like amazing work!
Yes! combine forces to help at the source, not just the symptoms!
As part of the unemployment process and at local job resource centers the state puts a lot of effort into making people aware of all the other programs and resources they may be eligible for too.
A little late to the party here, but some social service agencies (depending on the state) also do this. If they get a single parent seeking public assistance, they then try to get them child support, job assistance, etc.
It makes so much sense and is so kind. So much of our culture is needlessly cruel.
Sounds like _Call the Midwife_.
You have to fluff the police's egos so they don't go after the funding of the successful programs
Indeed! Well done in this case.
It's unreal we have to tiptoe around the most useless people in the world to get anything done. This whole experiment proves we can fire most cops and put people in places where they HELP instead of just act like abusive thugs. But we STILL gotta fluff the stupid thugs. Disgusting.
Progressive successes don’t bleed so they don’t lead.
Heard a story on NPR about an intervention program for teens caught with firearms in Florida. While I applaud these efforts, I found myself being confused. Why are these teens at fault when their whole state screams 'we need guns for safety' and then teens acquire guns for safety?
begging news editors to not default to their cop sources for stories like this, how many times can they run stories about police malfeasance/brutality/racism and still treat them like the only crime-prevention experts. I know having buddies at the precinct makes reporters feel cool/tough but come on
I worked with a youth services officer who would lock his guns away and just talk with students. Amazingly enough, this seemed to prevent crime as well as making a more cohesive and positive school environment. Who knew that reducing the causes of crime, reduces crime more than punishments?
So really, the story is "yay for avoiding the police!"
Fucking incredible bootlicking here considering that everyone I know who actually lives here knows that the cops don’t do shit, they just rack up overtime hours playing candy crush at construction sites
Are you saying the capitalist media shills for the police (advocates for more police spending) even when the the facts say other approaches reduce crime?
And you have to get all the way to the end to get to the admission that the cops can still do pretty much anything they want and no evidence against them will ever see the light of day. Also: lead-crime hypothesis, where are you?
*Pounding the table* We always knew this! When someone in a community needs help they act out of pocket. You address it and it gets taken care of before Jimmy "The Butcher" Warnock gets to death row for killing an entire parking lot of picnickers.
I'd also be interested to know if we're talking about Boston (an actual place with actual boundaries) or Boston (a region comprised of 10,000 little towns that are all referred to as Boston despite being their own unique places). My guess is that we've got some clever accounting going on here.
"Social workers did their job" isn't exactly an own either though?
"social worker was given the money and means to do their job, and it's actually helped!" is absolutely something to crow about tho.
Humans able to be human and help other humans be human better is the kind of thing I like to see.
At least CSMonitor talks about it. Unlike all the other arseholes.
I'm not mad at them, just noticing that it's like COPS COPS COPS everything we did that wasn't cops that actually worked COPS COPS COPS
Christian Science Monitor moment