
the message from every corner of the US media ecosystem right now is "Joe Biden can't do the job of President" it doesn't have to be right, or fair, to sink into the minds of the people who will be voting in November propaganda works
Man, idk if this is going to work out
to be extremely clear: I think the focus on this over "the Supreme Court declares Trump is a king above the law" and the dangers of Project 2025 is dangerous, irresponsible and unacceptable but it is a significant danger to Biden's chances of winning in November
not trying to pick on this reply in particular (sorry) but I see this sentiment a lot and I vehemently disagree with it nobody deserves what's coming in a second Trump term
The American people deserve it if they fall for this again
I hate it when people pull the 'you deserve it' line. What about the people who can't vote? How about people who voted for someone else? How about children? Marginalized people? Those who fight every single day to help their fellow man? Even the people who vote out of ignorance don't deserve it.
That was what I was thinking the whole time in 2016 and it’s what I’ve been thinking this year, the smugness of the people that say that we deserve this pisses me off
The majority of people aren't going to fall for it. No one is even worried about him winning the popular vote.
really hope this is right but I am, actually, worried about that at this point
Honestly I'm not really. But I mean, that's never been the point. Which is part of our problem. He can lose by a LOT without losing. We have to win by much more than winning to stop it.
The optimism right now feels to me like a lot of what we saw in 2016. And yes, Hillary Clinton *did* win the popular vote. Just not the Presidency.
I think we need to be cautious because there was a lot of talk right after the debate about how the polls hadn't moved because the average person didn't notice or care about this. But now we're seeing this being pushed in all the major media and that WILL move people.
Sorry if it wasn't clear that that was my point. Just because someone wins an election in this country doesn't mean everyone deserves what comes next or even chose it. We don't actually elect the person most of us chose.
I'm very worried because my dad has been a hard-core "don't ever say anything bad about Biden" style Democrat, and he was so dispirited by the debate he's wanting him to step down, and my mom has started talking about RFK 😵‍💫
Speaks well of you in practical terms I’d say, but I don’t think it was ever on the table and probably still isn’t
Me too but at the same time I don't see anyone voting for Trump over this and anyone who was going to stay home probably made that choice awhile ago. Also it might be better earlier than later in the campaign?
Ukrainians and Palestinians sure as fuck don’t deserve it
some deserve things, but certainly not to, at the very same time, point and laugh at innocents undergoing the same fate
Kansas did not deserve Brownback as governor, despite voting consistently red. For those who don't remember, Brownback was so bad at governor he begged Trump to appoint him an ambassador in the middle of his term so he could FLEE THE COUNTRY.
Dozens, if not *thousands*, of millions of people will be hurt by the fascist if he gets power again.
The ones who are stuck doing the reaping are usually not the ones who did the sowing.
The rest of the planet definitely doesn't deserve it.
It's always said as someone who only wants bad things to happen to bad people, and not to all the innocents that will be caught in the collateral damage or deliberately targeted for the crime of being a "them"
And most of his base are voting for him not for beneficial reasons, but out of hate and bigotry born of ignorance. They have a hard time seeing the bad because they already live under shitty GOP policies dressed up as "the bad liberal's fault" so they don't think of "it'll be worse."
also; gerrymandering, discrimination, ancient electoral practices, weird laws, etc it ratfucks the whole process
America is the third largest nation in the world spread across thousands of jurisdictions, many of which are institutionally corrupted so as not to be representative. In a lot of ways (and not all) it’s actually kind of a miracle it functions at all. Trump didn’t happen because of the polity.
Seriously most of us DON’T want this shit We are currently terrified and are basically praying we can pull off a Hail Mary against all the odds
It also kind of affects the whole world. I don’t like to think how Russia, North Korea and China would react to a second Trump term, but I suspect everyone would be in for dark times.
The reason we are where we are is because for about 230 years as a people we've continued to put up with a constitution which is *designed* to be anti-representative, pretended our system was the most representative in the world, and never fixed it. Hard to blame people when only some votes count.
No wonder CNN’s ratings are in the crapper.
I get your point but I can't muster any energy to care about people who can't even pay attention to save their own lives
Like we do this every 2 years with awful things happening or good things passed over because people can't do 9th grade reading comprehension I get more bitter each time and I'm not going to invest more emotional energy in this than the people doing it to themselves
The thing is of course if he switches out they will rev the same engine to pull a campaign against the new person that will be the same except in exact content.
it's absolutely a risk! they could immediately ratfuck Harris as well but I think there's a bite to this one that will be hard for them to replicate, because it's easier to sidestep concerns about what the other guy would do in office if you point to "literally can't do the job"
If they can't deal with a disinfo campaign like this now, what makes you think they can do it magically in five minutes? The second you switch it becomes "Why did you let it go so far, why doesn't he resign, why should we trust you if you helped cover for this, how can we trust anything you say?"
And that is salvo 1 in the first minute. They need to deal with the attacks, more than anything, and so far they just aren't.
I'm starting to think every outlet is trying to play it safe with trump, scared that, if elected, he will absolutely go after them.
spoiler: he will anyway. anything other than 100% loyalty every minute of every day is not tolerated by him.
this whole thing has revealed that AG Sulzberger is a menace and I wasn't a huge "fuck the Times" person before this but: fuck the fucking Times for this top to bottom Bouie is still cool
Honestly, I think his best chance to get this all behind him is to tease a "major campaign announcement", then just come out and yell at the press about their stupid and irresponsible priorities for about an hour.
Those aren't contradictory. Biden's manifest unfitness is why those things are coming to pass.