Filamena Young seeking Sophia -she/her

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Filamena Young seeking Sophia -she/her

game designer, mother, ba’alat ov, bride of my wife

FLATPACK (RE) Fix the Future is coming!
Okay. Compromise. Please-touch museum style place where there are beautiful statues built for molestation in a space safe to molest them. Let the statue-fetishists have their fun.
Thinking real hard about The Good Place Committee today.
The first best choice for music when playing Elden ring is the game, the second best choice is the weirdest electronic prog-ish rock weirdo music you can find.
i've been exclusively playing Elden Ring while listening to Fabio Frizzi, Goblin, Uncle Acid and The Deadbeats, and lots of bands with names like Hole Dweller or Fiendish Imp. Can't recommend this enough.
A better world is possible, but it will never come from the top down.
Unlearn the belief in a just world or else you’ll be blaming victims and taken in by perpetrators every time. If we want a just world we have to build it.
This would fix me.
After the last ten days of crisis management, I'm ready to lock myself in my dungeon wearing a pig head mask and a loin cloth while playing the entire NIN catalog on repeat. For therapy.
A reminder: If you want to play with me, Weekend is happening on soon! I’m running White Picket Witches. It’s $10. HOWEVER, Start Playing Games is offering a $10 off coupon code for new players. Essentially, you get to play for free!
Alright, so I've been back on twitter for a week or so because I have to make some money. That's capitalism. Anyway. Gonna say it. Twitter is WAY hornier than blue sky has ever been. It's just Horny for IP characters and Straight Normal Horny so you don't notice as much.
Powers likely to be out another day or two. It is bad hot. Limited internet because cell tower damage and ours is a low priority neighborhood. Likely to lose a fridge and freezer worth of food because no ice in the area.
For anyone who knows… how would Lancer work for Build Fighter?
My oldest baby is buying her own pair of doc Martins with her own work money. While my potential youngest is kicking me in the bladder. Life is weird.
Every picture of JD Vance looks like a guy who was a popular YouTuber three years ago before “the dms” got released.
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look like he just got finished furtively wiping his mouth clean after drinking a can of Hormel Chili out of a Thermos.
This is the worst one. and therefore the best one.
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look like he just got finished furtively wiping his mouth clean after drinking a can of Hormel Chili out of a Thermos.
Every picture of JD Vance looks like he’s sitting at a kitchen table waiting for Chris Hansen to enter the room
Every picture of JD Vance looks like it’s accompanying s news story about a former child actor who got caught in a multi level marketing scam
Broadly speaking rich liberal donars legit fear an imagined sub-literate mob of poor people ready to burn down the cities who must be placated and also none of them can read
Why /did/ even quite a few liberals like Hillbilly Elegy? Even a passing summary of it reads like the histrionics of a pathetic little motherfucker who can't keep his nose out of everyone else's business.
Vance is a NYT sell-out conserve-centrist creation who believes nothing. He called Trump Hitler while making a big real important movie with real Hollywood people ect. You think Trump just picked him to torment him? Like, he's gonna be putting this guy through hell, I'm sure.
Congratulations to the so-called "centrists" who elevated Hillbilly Elegy.
JD Vance is 100% the fault of racist liberals who really REALLY hate poor people.
JD Vance exists b/c in the panic after the 2016 election white liberal were desperate for any way to explain/excuse their conservative relatives and instead of listening to black ppl who were screaming "It's the racism" they made Vance a best selling author, which gave him the platform he needed
The Dilbert guy learned about erotic mind-control/hypnosis fantasies and decided it was 100% real and not fake like the other porn he watches.
When you’re trying to say my name as if it’s a slur, you’re not winning anything. I will remember and I will make things difficult for you.
Hey people, but mostly dudes: when we're on a business call and you say my name repeatedly, you're not dominating the conversation. You're coming off as a creepy jagoff. Stop doing it.
The dems were never going to really fight for us. They are happy to fundraise on our terror, but actually go all the way? They were just waiting for the excuse they needed to wash their hands.
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Chili spaghetti because I'll be damned if my ass is skinny as the fascist take over.
It’s infuriating to see a worthless piece of shit’s life protected by the bodies of a world-class security detail and a team of snipers while Palestinian lives are treated as less than worthless; children in tents against bombs and tank rounds. The wrong people have power. The wrong people are safe.
Pregnancy side effect you may not know: The Super Sniffer. Yep. Your sense of smell gets tuned up to 11. This is, I assume, something to do with smelling if your coming baby is healthy or whatever. The reality is it just makes everything smell BAD all the time.
Okay. I admit I like something about Balder's Gate 3. The wise talking cows are cool.
Nora is digging into the idea of birth stones and so on as weird because like gender (and astrology) they make decisions for you. You're March by happenstance? Cool. Have aquamarine. (I don't like aquamarine.) My suggestion? Develop personal symbolism. Like Saints.
the etsy industrial complex is trying to push "birth flowers"
Okay hear me out. Trump 1: is scared of many things, 2: hates walking, 3: loves big dumb garish parade float shit. Elon 1: wants Trump to love him, 2: loves to insert himself into crisis situations as a tech-savior, 3: makes shoddy failure-prone contraptions. It’s a PERFECT plan!
Can we convince Elon to build a cyber-Popemobile type car for Trump to roll around in at his public appearances? Given his unmatched experience making safe, indestructible vehicles
Dunno what system, but I run a game that's post apocalyptic in the style of Italian 70s movies like Bronx Warrior and Warriors of the Wasteland.
Okay. I blatantly ripped off Never Stop Blowing Up but instead of so many dudes, the movie characters are entiely inspired by like... Cynthia Rothrock and Sara Conner from T2 and Michelle Yeoh and Pam Grier and that kinda thing.
Okay. I run Rifts. But like. Not from the book. Just from my vague (and surely incorrect) memory of how to play it.
I am the greatest GM alive and I want to do this every day now. OMG I'm coming down hot.