Robert Garcia

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Robert Garcia

Freshman Congressman, former mayor, educator, comic nerd, urbanist, progressive & proud American 🏳️‍🌈
Been a while since I’ve been on here, hope it’s been going great for everyone!
Haven’t posted on here as much lately, how’s it going on here?
As the ranking Democrat on the National Security subcommittee of the Oversight Committee, I’ll be leading a hearing tomorrow on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, more commonly knows as UFOs. The American people deserve full transparency & we need to understand any security implications.
Just got back from comic-con, it was so great.
Look it’s White Nationalist Ken.
I’m joining as cosponsor of a censure resolution to hold George Santos accountable. It’s been 60 days since Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans voted against our efforts to expel him. They promised action. Well, time’s up.
🚨 Join us the Sunday of San Diego Comic Con for the launch of the bipartisian Congressional Popular Arts Caucus. We will be joined by an incredible panel and take your questions. Would love to meet you as we launch a national movement to support the popular arts. Please share
If bluesky becomes a forum to share our cat pics I won’t be mad.
we love a relaxed cat picture with my baby.
Hey all! Especially all the comics creators and comics fans on bluesky. If you are on threads find me there as well. I’m planning on being active on both platforms.
Morning skeeters ☀️☀️☀️
In two weeks at SD Comic-Con we are launching the first ever Congressional Popular Arts Caucus. The bi-partisan caucus is focused on the comics industry, gaming, and popular entertainment media. We will also be hosting a panel and meet up opportunity on Sunday. See you soon!
Reposted byAvatar Robert Garcia
I actually hope that political figures like and leverage Bluesky AND Threads in different ways. Threads is where you bring ideas to market but Bluesky is where the collaborative planning happens. Bluesky is a focus group. Threads is the market launch.
I really like threads but don’t plan to leave this place. Best thing about bluesky is the curation of users and community. I’m hopeful there’s space for both.
every time I open this app
where did all these people come from
Reposted byAvatar Robert Garcia
me returning to social media after taking a four day holiday break from social media:
reconnecting with my twitter mutuals.
do not mistake “skewing left” for educated, peer reviewed, and science based facts.
It is true that Blue Sky skews left right now. I would prefer it to have more diversity of opinions but I would sincerely hope those thoughts are more interesting than, "I don't like being disagreed with."
Few things made me feel more patriotic as a kid than this.
Always punch nazis and always ban them from this site. Happy 4th of July.
Folks are looking for different things from bluesky and that’s ok. For me, besides cool connections it’s reliable news and information aggregation. Especially during a major event or as it happens. The bird app had that down for a while.
Ok changed my profile pic to my twitter pic so my mutuals who are migrating here can find me easier.
truly one of my heroes.
Lots of pickets and union actions happening across the country this holiday week. Please for the love of god do not cross a picket or visit a place that has an active boycott. Thanks y’all.
👋🏽 Hey all new skeeters, my name is Robert, I love comics, urbanism and cities, gay stuff, and I’m President of the Democratic Freshman Class in Congress.