
Me, political neophyte, a fool, a moron: The Bowman race seems really overdetermined, a story of a guy who wasn't that into retail politics whose district changed, but everyone wants it to be about something other than that Socialists, geniuses, intelligent beyond measure:
In all seriousness I'm heartened that she didn't poast about how this was all 'their' doing you know how 'they' do it with all of their money
But there were a lot of those posts lol
Nick Catoggio wrote about how both sides have an interest in claiming AIPAC spending made the difference even though it obviously didn’t (the polls don’t budge). AIPAC wants to say “look how powerful we are, fear us”. Bowman stans want to say “evil Jews rigged the election.”
And he is the dumbass that pulled the fire alarm that no one seems to be talking about.
I keep talking about it! [I’m doing my part dot gif]
this should set off alarms for progressives GET IT ALARMS
I'm just glad we're not going to be dealing with her in office anymore soon. She's a Ted Cruz of the left: all talk and more than willing to fuck over the people she claims to serve over moral purity. She only barely survived a recall against her, and it's because she would lose next time.
Ah, but you see, you don’t understand that retail politics doesn’t work. You have to reach out and organize communities from the bottom up…
What do you expect politicians to do, Denys, go to Fenway park and shake hands with voters?
lmfao, this is no less jargon soup than a mid-level manager talking about synergizing instead of collaborating and needing to have put heads together in idea exchange instead of wasting times on meetings
it is really striking how the least effective forms of both firebrand progressive and milquetoast liberal thinks the primary problem in politics is insufficiently prosaic synonym usage
Wait isn't "building power in the streets" just "knocking on doors", but given a cooler name? Like all those 90s characters with names like "Stryfe" or "Blud" or "D3thSh00t3r"?
This is likely connected to "protest isn't about persuasion". Knocking on doors is interacting with people who might not 100% agree with you; it's persuading someone that your position is worth supporting. "Building power in the streets" is about the fantasy of forcing someone to submit to you.
Revolutionary:"Comrade Farmers, after the revolution, you shall all feast on strawberries and cream!" Farmer:"But Comrade Revolutionary, I do not like strawberries and cream." Revolutionary:"After the revolution, you WILL like strawberries and cream!"
I've seen a lot of recent posts about how you don't have to be nice to people who hate you and while I agree, that's not gonna people who are on the fence to see you as human. And maybe that's ok but I don't often hear people being ok with that
I think he’s saying he wants to build paramilitaries maybe?
Incidentally, when I was talking with my firefighter friend about his work and how his rank structure worked the first words out his mouth was "we use a paramilitary organization structure." *stares at people until they get it*
aggregating local gangs into paramilitaries is indeed one path to growing power but its track record is pretty poor compared to liberal democracy
Love to see fire departments referred to as local gangs
What is with the obsession with streets versus houses why is it worse to knock on someone’s door where you can know their name and their address instead of approaching random people in public?
One is fantasy heroism, politics as videogame, and the other is hard work championed by people who are come off as normie libs because the ones talking this way have never interacted with people doing actual union organizing
I’m confused by the objection to politics as a videogame because gamifying has been one of the best developments of the 2016 and post-2016 era. Door lists have fun color codes. They send little confetti animations when you hit enough doors. Gamifying is good and consistent with going door to door!
Oh, I intended that with a FPS in mind: epic, heroic battling, vs fun grinding quests for points & stat boosts. Poor metaphor on my part, but I think you can see what I'm getting at
Ok solution convince leftists that knocking on doors is like room clearing in urban combat idk but whatever gets them talking to Gloria (D-67, voted in the last 3 primaries)
Because part of what they envision is a vibrant urban society where life is lived in communal modes. That's the society they want & the society they want to organize. Organizing a suburb or a small town sounds dreadful
1. It is objectively dreadful. That’s not wrong. Woe be to all the people in New Hampshire in January hiking 15 minutes in the snow between homes. 2. If that’s not your cup of tea go knock in apartment buildings! Cities need organizing too!
This reminds me of when a guy on discord proudly proclaimed speeches are boring/not relevant to working people, and what we really needed was a champion who briefly and succinctly verbalized their ideas/peoples problems to a crowd
honestly, if you institute a "block on sight" policy for the use of those two symbols in a profile, it makes for a much less stupid skyline.
It’s always nice when I find I’ve already blocked a freak like this.
I sometimes start to think that the GOP is the sole receptacle of extremely stupid people but then this happens and I'm like "oh yeah, that's right".
This guy has to be taking the piss, right?
He was not. Further into the thread it was clearly a traditional "it's impossible to win elections, we have to organize a revolution instead" take.
"Hey, is someone discussing an election loss? I better tell those people that elections are stupid and don't matter. Good use of my valuable organizing time"
It's amazing how people unironically suggest something much, much harder in response to a defeat. "The people won't vote for us, but surely they will follow us into a revolution to establish a society structured around socialist buzzwords!"
Retail politics and "bottom-up community organizing" aren't complementary? That's news to me...
“What do we do if they are inside their homes, and not out on the street?” “Knock on their….damn it”
everyone knows the average George Latimer voter was a rabid leftist infuriated by the Bowman’s vote for Iron Dome funding and with an extremely specific yet equally limited knowledge on railroad contract negotiation
Bowman's politics being insufficiently left to win his primary is certainly a viewpoint many people hadn't considered. For very good reasons.
Progs Be Fucking Normal Challenge.
We need to bring back aggressive hippie punching.
Kshama is a member of Socialist Alternative - I would not call her progressive at all
Progs, leftists, whatever. Point stands.
I mean, she's a fucking Trot, she is entirely and completely out to lunch