
I can't imagine a guy like O'Leary could be so lacking in self-awareness that he'd publicly say something like this just a few months after publicly bitching about how prosecutors don't throw the book at shoplifters anymore. I mean surely no one would would risk making a huge ass of himself by ...
This video of Kevin O'Leary talking about Trump's "victimless crime" & how "everybody does it" is so worth watching. "Why would anyone do business in NY if they're going to get prosecuted just for doing crimes?" asks O'Leary. "I certainly won't be in any state where my crimes could be punished"
‘Shark Tank’ star says Trump engaged in regular behavior for real estate development | CNN CNN’s Laura Coates speaks with Kevin O’Leary, “Shark Tank” judge and Chairman of O’Leary Ventures, about the $355 million judgment against former President Donald Trump.
... declaring on cable news that billionaires who commit bank fraud should escape (civil!) liability, just a few short months after declaring, also on cable news, that prosecutors should be jailing poor people who steal deodorant. No one could be that foolish. Right? RIGHT?
He is shameless. He loves attention. Gets on FOX News for saying this. He doesn't care. Any attention is a win for him.
These Fox crime scare segments all look like parodies, it’s so depressing people fall for this crap
*sigh• Don’t you know that filching deodorant is something that poor people might to, and as such constitutes a real crime?
It's not foolishness, it's a statement of his values. He knows exactly what he's saying.
I mean, I can see him saying this, if he's being investigated
"why would anyone do business in NY if ..." Let me stop you right there. One thing NY will never lack is people wanting to do business here.
See also: California’s onerous tax burdens will scare all of Silicon Valley into Frog Balls, Tennessee.
As a Tennessee resident, I'll just say that you're showing your ignorance of our great state. Frog Balls is mostly tourism. The booming tech sector is in Donkey Snatch.
Oh, dear. Now every time this song is stuck in my head, it's gonna be "Donkey Snatch, Tennessee" 🤣
Osborne Brothers - Rocky The Osborne Brothers perform "Rocky Top."
I thought it was Beaver Taint. My bad.
Tch, silly me. How could I forget their slogan “When You’ve Seen Frog Balls, You’ve Seen Everything”?
Faced with the prospect of nobody agreeing to future interviews at their NYC headquarters because of how unfair NY is to Trump, Fox News will be opening a satellite studio in Turtle Taint, between Hendersonville and Gallatin.
That's an event in Olympic weightlifting, isn't it?
Be funny if some shady stuff of his was uncovered because of his public statements.
I’ve got $1 that says there is more than a little shady shit done by him…
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
Every confession a... er... confession
Reminds me of when Pareene went on CNBC to criticize JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon for overseeing criminal behavior that resulted in millions of fines, and all the anchors wanted to talk about was how the fines would make it more difficult for JPMorgan shareholders to make money.
How I botched it on It was fun TV, but I didn't make an argument that could penetrate the profit-fixated bubble of the finance press
only poor people commit crimes, rich people commit business
He lacks any decency. He tried to run for the leadership of Canada's Conservative Party and was kicked out for a membership buying scheme. When your too corrupt for Conservative politics that says a lot!
I’d congratulate us on dodging the bullet on the reality-star-to-fash-leader process but I have a sinking feeling that we’re just waiting on the Canada’s Worst Driver putsch
For sure! The thing is O'Riley is a very unlikable guy while Trump has a certain lovable loser quality to him that's why MAGA loves him. Nobody liked O'Riley, I mean nobody. He oozes pompous asshole.
One of the brighter spots in the turd rain of the last few years has been watching rich reactionaries presume that because an obvious idiot did it, it’s easy, and flaming out the instant anyone who isn’t cashing their cheques gets a good look at them.
man it really seems like we should be investigating a LOT more people in this industry since they're all doing crimes
her having to say to him "these *are* actual crimes" completely ended my life
Oh don't worry, before that he was busy promoting crypto scams for SBF.
"prosecuted just for doing crimes"? Oh, the unspeakable inhumanity of it all!
It's legal because we never get prosecuted is the mindset of the clueless rich
Shoplifters sure but oligarchs they should be untouchable.
Criminal liability is for the little guy not the Masters of the Universe.
I'm struggling to imagine a softer, more shook bitch than Kevin O'Leary