Brooke Harrington

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Brooke Harrington

Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth;views my own. Author, 'Capital w/out Borders'; words, New York Times, the Atlantic & the Guardian.
"Do you remember the time...before the internet, when we thought all collective stupidity was due to a lack of access to information? Well it wasn't that..."
Since weaponized fear is the "source code" of fascism--what short-circuits rational self-interest--this proposed solution (make truth prevail) misses the thread's own point. Ppl who are scared crazy can't hear truth.They must 1st be calmed, reassured.FDR understood this.
How do the rich keep getting richer? One way is by using offshore finance--not only to avoid taxes, but to dodge creditors, court orders, etc. The rest of us pay the price in the form of higher taxes & borrowing costs. To know more, pre-order my new book for 25% off at
I spy with my little eye a Rapid! Unscheduled! Disassembly!
This is the real threat. A DDOS attack on human connection.
For TNR's 2023 review, I went a little long on AI, the arts, and the threat AI poses in it's current mediocre state
The Year That A.I. Came for The events of 2023 showed that A.I. doesn’t need to be that good in order to do damage.
Happy 6th anniversary to my brief but colorful career as an international outlaw: charged w/the crime of giving invited lectures on my research to Denmark's Parliament & tax agency. DK eventually changed their anti-immigrant law (slightly), charges dropped, but it took an op-ed to clear my name.
i am less convinced that AI is going to replace jobs than i am that companies are going to cut jobs on the premise of AI replacing them and then hire those people back as contractors for less money and fewer protections, because that’s what’s happened a *lot* in the last 20 years.
It might mean the end of a lot of jobs potentially and the fear is that it might become harder and harder to find new places to land.
Harringtonite,'s all the same to me.
I know we all know this but just a reminder, get ALL the free tests your household is owed, every time, even if you still have a stockpile because it’s one of the few direct tools we have to communicate to the government that WE STILL NEED FREE TESTS and there’s still high demand for COVID resources
Honest to Pete, Lindy West is one of the great non-fiction prose stylists of the 21st century. Her political writing is among the most incisive around, but she's also incredibly and consistently hilarious. Like a mashup of Andrea Dworkin and Steve Martin.
This paragraph was a hell of a ride
Better headline: "Billionaire Babylord Throws Tantrum at Democracy--Yells 'You're Not the Boss of Me!'"
when your No Apes Refused pimped out NFT-dump event is lit by UV bulbs intended for disinfecting surfaces and you realize regulation is good and necessary to protect public wellbeing
Any experts on the 2015 Iran nuclear deal out there? I have a question about the way sanctions on the regime's foreign currency assets worked, and Google is not helping.
A study by Dartmouth professor finds that 25% of financial advisors she interviewed expressed qualms about helping lower tax liabilities for ultra-wealthy clients, via Market Watch ⤵️
Financial advisers make rich people richer. But is that all there is? Some money pros have misgivings about helping wealthy people get more and more.
Just when you thought Twitter had reached its nadir, Elon introduces $1 pay-to-tweet service. Surely this will save the ailing social media site!
Social psych 101: Ganging up on a person perceived to be vulnerable is the quickest, cheapest way to build a sense of "community" for people who crave belonging & affiliation but lack the skills or will to connect with others authentically. As in middle school, so in adulthood.
Question for cat owners: Will most cats wake you early to be fed? Will most run around in the night? If so, is it possible to teach them to sleep at night in sync with their humans? Asking bc a member of my household is a very light sleeper & fears getting a cat will=sleepless nights for him.
🧪 Once-homeless, Ray thrived after a $7,500 grant from a UBC study. Those polled about the study thought grant recipients would increase their drug and alcohol spending. Recipients spent wisely on essentials, debunking poverty stereotypes.
A Canadian study gave $7,500 to homeless people. Here’s how they spent The results show the power of cash transfers to reduce homelessness.
"Who Framed President Petulant?"