Toby Berry

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Toby Berry

Liberty and justice for all. Be the bootstraps for others. I am all about: politics, dogs, nature, 🧬 biology, dogs, birds, gardening, dogs, Israel, dogs… you get the idea….i love sarcasm - all opinions are someone else’s bec I don’t have original thoughts
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Saudi Arabia announces it will begin intercepting Houthi projectiles fired at Israel.
I don’t understand their system but it sounds like good news for the world!
The combination of Clinical depression and Elden Ring have allowed the political left unrealized power to stay up until 3 in the morning and seize power
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
Biden's 2nd term: Raise millionaires & billionaires taxes Break up monopolies Reduce junk fees from banks & airlines Lower prescription drug costs Increase worker protections Cap rental rates & increases Battle corporate profiteering This is why the rich & powerful want him to step down...
CNN? WTF? They now cover in full Trump campaign speeches - free air time for Trump?Why?Why?Why? I smell a payoff at CNN. Flick off your TVs my friends. I know you all do already. But, fuck all- there is no left leaning news left except the ProPalestinian one. Public tv is all I have now
In the PNW we are such heat wimps that if it hits 90° you’ll barely see anyone outside. Rainy 50° day, we are all about town doin what we do…be outdoors. I keep reminding myself- no wild fire smoke- we can do this!
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
BREAKING: Russia concedes defeat in Black Sea, withdraws remaining fleet in retreat from Crimea, over to the east end of the Sea in Abkhazia (part of Georgia that Russia invaded and illegally holds). Ukraine has WON the naval war for the Black Sea. Next stop: liberating Crimea
The hostages need us. Pls keep posting and talking about them. I beg you. Forgotten hostages are dead hostages.
The hostages need us to keep them in our minds and conversations, more importantly. #freethehostages #hostagerelease is the path to peace. Bring them all home
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
The most important vote of your life
How did he take over an entire political party? How? Were they just so in need of $ he bribed them all? Congress for sale? Is that why they won’t hold SCOTUS feet to the fire? They are all taking bribes by DonAlf? You can now buy a country it seems
Sad sad sad
What a loss! "With incredible grief for our loss yet deep gratitude for the life she shared with us, we announce the passing of United States Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas," her family said in a statement. #RestInPeace
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
15k RNC attendees who spent the last 4 days holed up in their private compound like the Baghdad Green Zone are stuck downtown because of flight cancelations. The cops all left, the barricades came down, and they look like Stasi when the Berlin Wall fell. It's fuckin' hilarious.
This is the butterfly/hummer bed. The hibiscus not quite in bloom yet fills in after the poppies are all cut back.
The hostages need us to keep them in our minds and conversations, more importantly. #freethehostages #hostagerelease is the path to peace. Bring them all home
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
An MD& his journalist son (feeding fake news to USA)held hostages in their apartment in Gaza. Palestinians say, had they known, they’d have moved (not told). Hamas martyrs their ppl, hiding hostages in high density civilian areas. Poor poor Palestinian martyrs. #hostages
‘He was a pious man’: The Gaza neighborhood shocked to find Israeli hostages in their The Aljamal family was widely respected in Gaza’s Nuseirat camp. They were known as pious and prominent members of the community. While people knew they had connections to Hamas, neighbors say no one ...
My friend wrote this book and invites me to her workshop studio to play. We made hobbit houses. So much fun. If you live in the area- super fun craft activity/ hen party
Just thought you might need cheering up y’all
The day after plant feeding day, I always feel like my gardens are smiling back at me. I know they don’t b really react that fast. PS- the tanagers are here but have yet to get a good shot
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
An MD& his journalist son (feeding fake news to USA)held hostages in their apartment in Gaza. Palestinians say, had they known, they’d have moved (not told). Hamas martyrs their ppl, hiding hostages in high density civilian areas. Poor poor Palestinian martyrs. #hostages
‘He was a pious man’: The Gaza neighborhood shocked to find Israeli hostages in their The Aljamal family was widely respected in Gaza’s Nuseirat camp. They were known as pious and prominent members of the community. While people knew they had connections to Hamas, neighbors say no one ...
Idk when pink day is but it is a happy day when the oriental lilies start popping open.
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry
There's a reason why Republicans chose Milwaukee as the location of this year's RNC. Wisconsin is one of the key battleground states that will determine the outcome of this November's election. Now is a great time to follow and support @WisDems.
For those of you that don’t have GSDs, vacuuming is an indoor frisbee opportunity
Polls only accurate when others jump on the bandwagon. We are so beyond wagons- Rev the engines and vote vote vote
We need to stop focusing on flawed polls and instead engage voters. This is about support for the democratic agenda - DEMOCRACY. If we turn out in massive numbers (70%+), we save democracy. Period. We need to stop self-sabotaging. Fascist GOP is counting on that. Let's prove them wrong AGAIN.
No matter what happens with Biden, I am voting straight blue ticket.
Reposted byAvatar Toby Berry