This is Tobson

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This is Tobson

Journalist turned kids' librarian. Swedish in Finland. Eurovision. Vinyl records. Rather gay. Looks pretty when the light is right. Ibland på svenska. Bear with me. He/him.
Great thing: I'm going to Tallinn tomorrow Not so great thing: my alarm rings at 06:30
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I watched this video (which is stellar) when it first came out on a while ago, I recommend people check out the service if they use YouTube the way I do. It's a great way to more directly support the better video essayists working today.
I really enjoyed's new video about The Beatles and Yoko Ono, and I'm not even a Beatles guy! It's THAT GOOD
Yoko and The YouTube video by Lindsay Ellis
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I don’t know how to explain what it’s like when your city is being bombed for more than 2 years to people living in the safe Western countries. It hurts even more when it’s a place you’ve been to, it hurts even more when it’s a hospital for children with severe diseases like cancer. #UkrainianView
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Actually no, let's do this; it would be Good, Actually
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I’m convinced the democrats could win in a landslide if they just kept repeating “these shitheads are banning books” as their only campaign message over and over
I'd like to say something meaningful about the French election results but everything looks so trivial in writing.
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The UK and France just proved that getting out and actually voting makes a difference. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
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It's indeed a mystery why younger voters don't connect with the older Dems who have refused to step aside well past their due date. And why can't they connect with former presidents who spend more time bashing up and coming Democrats instead of the far right? Gosh it's a mystery.
In this book article from Feb, Barack Obama says Dems, and Biden, need to do more to get young people engaged. "Obama is unmistakably of the opinion that they’ve got a lot of political work to do." What's Obama thinking now?
The Inside Story Of Barack Obama’s 2024 Campaign Barack Obama is worried about America in 2024.  This is an “all...
Been so lazy today. Didn't even finish that damn thread I started.
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So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.
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En sommarbok? En (1) bok? Var 10e kommun skar ner budgeten för biblioteken 2023 och nästan inga bibliotek kompenseras för den höga inflationen. Sedan 1998 har 435 folkbibliotek lagts ned i Sverige. Friskolor har haft obemannade bibliotek i massa år men oroa er inte: Barnen ska få en sommarbok
A bit over six hours and then vacation and I'm busy working like
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I think I just booked myself a Tallinn day cruise for next week
Tried to be nice to strangers. Told a woman on the train that her backpack was open. Got a blank death stare in return. So that was fun and worthwhile.
Sad prediction: Labour will turn out to be a huge disappointment for the UK (mainly due to not really having any proper goals or visions).
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With “allies“ like these who needs enemies
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“there’s only one poll that matters” sounds like one of boris johnson’s chat up lines
How did the Tories win so many UK elections given how shit they are? Maybe because Labour seems eager to be pretty shit too?
Keir Starmer: Trans women don’t have right to use women’s spaces – even if they have a GRC. Britain's Labour Party is now a TERF party. #transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA
Keir Starmer says trans women don't have the 'right' to use women's Labour leader Keir Starmer has said that trans women do not have the right to use women-only toilets or spaces, even if they have a GRC.
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Remember: Make a plan to vote tomorrow – Where is your polling station? When will you go? Which ID will you take? How will you make sure you remember it? Then share your plan with someone who can hold you accountable. I will be voting at 7 - 7.30 am, round the corner, with my drivers licence.
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My letter in today’s Herald about the political establishment pandering to JK Rowling and her anti trans obsession while ignoring the majority of women and women’s issues
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Literally saw a TikTok awhile back where someone was interviewing tattoo artists, asking "What's the most stereotypical Millennial tattoo?", and two different artists answered "Harry Potter tat cover-up."
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Fotballspiller Benjamin Verbič var alltid den i vennegjengen som var mest opptatt av å bare få ting gjort, i motsetning til kompisen Adverbič som var mer opptatt av hvordan ting skulle gjøres.
Everyone in my feed is hating Portugal and I know they're talking about football but I still love Portugal in general and it makes me feel awkward
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