
She was picked by Biden to be on the ballot in 2020. She received zero votes in the 2020 primaries. She was elected to succeed him *if he died in office*. She wasn’t elected to succeed him after the end of his first term.
There has to be a beauty pageant for the next few weeks where Harris Newsom Whitmer & one or 2 others do tons of earned media and then the 4700 delegates to the convention who represent registered democrats nationwide will vote. That’s the best way to select the strongest ticket for the fall
It’s much, much easier to make the case that those delegates were anointed than Harris. They were selected to put a rubber stamp on Biden, not to be representative of the party’s different factions or to make an important decision about the future of the country.
Right, this is a great point. I actually have no idea what the composition of these delegates is if they’re freed from their pledge to Biden. Should I trust them? Why? Like I trust them as Dem partisans, but beyond that, what’s the case for trusting their independent judgment?
We didn't vote on them. Why then should they be acting on our behalf in this matter, then?
I voted for Joe Biden, I def did not vote for Whoever The Fuck to just make a random guess on my behalf at the Ushering In A Historic Landside Loss ball
You voted for Joe Biden. The delegates to the convention are grassroots party members selected by the state parties to represent the will of Biden voters at the convention. Biden will not be the nominee — he’s going to step aside. His representatives at the convention must vote for a new nominee.
Yeah, this proposed hypothetical action here is actually *deeply* undemocratic!
It's quite literally an attempt to undermine democracy in favor of plutocracy.
Your county held a Democratic Convention in March where every Dem is welcome to come and vote. That Convention sends several delegates to State, where we voted in delegates AND Electors. If you did not know about the Convention, I recommend following your local Democratic Executive Committee on FB.
I know one of the delegates well enough to say that the answer for that one in particular is "no."
The only path that even remotely seems like it would be viable and least chaotic would be for Biden to stay in office and formally ask all his delegates to vote for Harris as the nominee instead. That would keep the campaign funded and the chaos minimized.
See my answer below. There is a sequence of voting, and all registered Dems are welcome to take part, so there is no anointing. Just local democracy with a small d.
But at the time, no one was voting with the expectation that these delegates would be tasked with actually selecting a new candidate. An open convention wasn’t the job they were elected to.
True. I'm just clarifying that all people in the party CAN participate in the election of delegates. However you are absolutely right that they are pledged to the nominee (post primary).
Though my son was NOT pledged, received a different lanyard, wasn't supposed to vote, did anyway, because it's a pretty chaotic system with a bunch of overworked volunteers.
Any analysis that presumes in this extraordinary circumstance that Harris isn’t the nominee or sitting President is little more than fanfic
Hard disagree. Biden should not resign from the presidency. There is no reason that Harris is the only option *with no further process*. That would make for a very weak nominee, & months of gnashing of teeth, democratic self-doubt, & endless discussions of racial politics.
Ugh and honestly the vibe I’m getting from you is that you want a white person because there’s something about the “racial politics” of Harris you don’t like?
I’ll assume good faith concern about the electorate having trouble with a black woman. I share that concern. But you think we *avoid* discussions of racial politics by bypassing the black woman chosen #2 VP in exchange for a white person? What planet are you living on?
I’m not concerned with the electorate having trouble with a Black woman. Half the country says they want Michele Obama to run! How is Harris being bypassed by an open and transparent process? Saying that it can *only* be her makes the racial politics much much worse
Then why do you say you’re worried about “endless discussions of racial politics” if she *is* elevated from the #2 spot to the #1 spot that 80 million people voted for? What does that discussion sound like in your head? That we picked a DEI candidate?
Harris is part of a ticket that received 89% of the votes in the primary. She was literally elected to be Biden's successor. I like Whitmer, too, but I really don't see anybody winning Democratic legitimacy by ousting the Black duly elected successor and replacing her with a white person.
Harris was not elected to succeed Biden once his term is over.
If: 1. While not formalized until the convention, Harris, as his running mate, is de facto a recipient of his '24 primary vote, and 2. If white people ignore this, it's going to be difficult to convince the majority minority rank & file of the Dem party that it isn't a betrayal. Then 3: We lose.
I’m not gonna get pulled back into this conversation, I just wanna say: Lauren, give it a rest! You see the pushback you get to your idea here? How nobody is rushing to your defense of this take? Do you think it will be vastly more popular IRL? Maybe this should tell you something!