Nisi Shawl

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Nisi Shawl

Writer editor singer songer. I'm just another part of you.
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this is a well established truth but now I'm asking: who gave us the first space whale?
The space-whale ia definitely a sci-fi Thing that transcends franchises and settings
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Very pleased to announce that Lovecraft Country is one of eight horror titles chosen for this year's Harper Perennial Olive Edition series. (As you can see below, I'm in great company.) On-sale date is August 27.
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Seriously this might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
Using my suribachi to grind cloves for a new batch of Because We Are So Royal tea and bemused as to why I don't use the thing more often. And when my heirs go through my belongings to take or sell or throw them away, will they even know what this is?
Found out from Timmi Duchamp that To The Woman in the Pink Hat, a novella they published, just WON THE FREAKIN SHIRLEY JACKSON AWARD! Aqueduct publishes maybe 12 titles a year, but they always win at least 1 award. Yay to author LaToya Jordan (! Yays all around!
Who are all these fuckers following me now with zero posts?
Latest follower on Insta: "I'm a man of God fearing man, I hate lie's and deception I'm honest Truth humble and understanding!❤️" Oh, where to begin?
Avatar, time-sensitive question in your DMs from me.
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If you see this post, post something red #TuesdayRed
If you see this post, post something red #TuesdayRed Korina Emmerich, Puyallup descent Red pants & vest ensemble, 2022 Tiffany Vanderhoop, Aquinnah Wampanoag and Haida All My Ancestors Are Watching red earrings, 2022 #DressUp
Tonight reads live from new work! Come to the downtown Seattle Public Library--it's free! And it's part of's Summer Series. You can register online here:
Event Find free classes, events and activities at the Library.
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And we'll all block @ldragoon together, right?
Reposted byAvatar Nisi Shawl
Gotta say as a rez kid it is goddamn hilarious to watch white people running around all chicken little about being sent to "the camps" The Camps are why your daddy was able to live in the suburbs. The Camps turned your great granddaddy into a land owner. You've loved The Camps all your life.
Once upon a time a co-worker asked me to describe chocolate. "It's brown, kinda greasy, in everything," I replied. Then she told me that my description was spozed to apply equally to how I felt about love.
Avatar Hey, that new story I just finished? Spozed to be set in 2040 Vancouver! I hope when it's in the wild you read it and can tell.
Who can I tell? Feeling so mighty now I've finished writing this story!
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ICMYI I wrote about the importance of being a citizen archivist. We've seen so much incredible art and writing from marginalized people, and we need to preserve it in the face of a huge, well-funded backlash. This is something concrete you personally can do!
We Should All Be Lately, I keep obsessing about two seemingly opposing but interrelated trends: 1) The past decade has seen an incredible bounty of art and self-expression...
Sometimes I block new followers just because they're looking kinda suss. Like, you took that photo from Vogue online, right? And the quote about Jesus? Knock it off.
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Hey, Zin A. Rocklyn was slogging through shit and broken glass this year to get to the middle of July when she could have the refuge of being with her people at ReaderCon and Camp NeoCon this month. That rug got pulled yesterday. But we can help:
Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip, organized by Teri hello I am coming to you with my heart in my hands as I *need* this to … Teri Clarke needs your support for Fund Teri Clarke's Mental Health Boosting Trip
It was kinda nice not being an automatic outlaw for a hot geological minute.
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Consider which communities typically revere their elders and work to keep them integrated in said community, and which just… don't, and there's a throughline with which communities have been actively, intentionally destabilized and disrupted. Not causal, necessarily, but definitely correlated
"The 'generation gap' is an important social tool for any repressive society. If younger members of a community view older members as contemptible or suspect or excess, they will never be able to join hands and examine the living memory of the community, nor ask the question, 'Why?'" 1/2 Audre Lorde
Sister Outsider: Essays and The fourteen essays and speeches collected in this work, several of them published for the first time, span almost a decade of this Black lesbian feminnist's work.
Giving out ARCs of my Beat era fantasy at #ala2024, booth 2534C! That's Rosarium Publishing, and they have FREE copies of The Day and Night Books of Mardou Fox. Plus more great stuff to read and fondle and buy.