Typebar Magazine

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Typebar Magazine


An interesting thing to read on the internet.
Bluesky is the #1 referral source for Typebar Magazine Issue 2, beating out Twitter (the #2 referral source) by 184%. Thanks, Bluesky community!
We accidentally get locked out of our account for 3 days and then suddenly everyone is sharing our articles 😅
“The industry over the last decade hasn’t shown a lot of confidence in original voices … Is Vajra Chandrasekera’s brilliant debut Saint of Bright Doors being flung at every reviewer who can fog a mirror, as it should be?” (This is about ChatGPT and excellent, I just wanted to highlight the shoutout)
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
"Our goal should be to develop discernment." Yes! I read a lot of fluff, but it's good fluff written by actual humans. A lot of it is self-published and -edited, but it has real-human tics and mistakes, not bland marketing nonsense.
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
PERIODTTTTT!!!!!!! PERIODDDDTTTTTTT!!!!!! i don't accept the AI inevitability. The idea is disgusting, and we must resist it. Let's expect excellence and reward originality. Challenge yourself as a reader, accustom yourself to deserving more! As writers, let's work on craft & give ourselves TIME.
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
woof. "Within SFF, there’s always been a chunk of the readership who don’t like anything challenging. They want plain, “transparent” prose, and plots connected up like Tinker Toys. Plug in the appropriate genre signifiers and they’ll buy a series steadily for 25 books."
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
A great essay! And encouraging, as someone who writes prose-forward not-traditionally-marketable stories ✨️
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
Neopets was an underground cultural juggernaut--it had massive influence but nevertheless lived outside the critical and popular consciousness. Delighted to see @annacwebs.bsky.social tackling it with some serious analysis for @typebarmagazine.bsky.social. www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/i...
Invisible Cities 2: Neopets as a Lived Space - Typebar Magazinewww.typebarmagazine.com Neopets and French sociology, together at last.
Now free to non-subscribers! An essay on Wanda and the other women of The Sandman in which I finally ~bravely~ ask the question that surely no one has ever considered before, what is a woman anyway?
Representation and Refraction: Gender and The Triple Goddess in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman by @kleidouxos.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/r...
LOTS of great pieces in the latest @typebarmagazine.bsky.social, but this essay by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social really adeptly articulates something I've been feeling very keenly: SFF as a whole, writers and readers, needs to collectively raise its standards for prose. We can ask more, and do better.
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
This is by far the silliest and yet simultaneously most serious article I've ever written. ENJOY.
Invisible Cities 2: Neopets as a Lived Space by @annacwebs.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/i...
I am funding this enterprise out of pocket. My goal immediate goal is to raise the pay rate to $75 per article but I can’t do it alone. Every patreon contribution helps!
If you enjoyed the essays we published, we would humbly request that you consider supporting us on Patreon. We are a self-funded venture that only seeks sustainability + higher pay rates for writers rather than profits! www.patreon.com/TypebarMagaz...
Get more from Typebar Magazine on Patreonwww.patreon.com Something interesting to read on the internet.
I had never heard of this weird puzzle book before and it’s actually really really cool. Check out this essay!
Interpreting the Abyss: An Ode to Christopher Manson’s MAZE by Angus Stewart www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/i...
Good lore is about negative space more than it’s about Glup Shitto. A wonderful essay showing us a book that gets it right!
Lore Done Right: Micaiah Johnson’s The Space Between Worlds by @dashwallkick.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/l...
A great analysis of what makes a fictional world pop as well as a thoughtful review of Wiswell’s latest.
Someone You Can Worldbuild a Nest In: John Wiswell, Fictional Worlds, and Limitations by @kjy1066.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
A fascinating essay on gender and The Sandman. I learned quite a bit about paganism from this one.
Representation and Refraction: Gender and The Triple Goddess in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman by @kleidouxos.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/r...
A fascinating piece of academic games criticism. Part of my mission for Typebar is building out a market for essays like this.
Playing Fate: Choice and Doom in Gothic Gameplay by @simonm223.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/p...
It would be a mistake to think this essay is a jovial romp because in actuality it’s about what a good space in the internet looks like in the age of digital rot.
Invisible Cities 2: Neopets as a Lived Space by @annacwebs.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/i...
This is one of my favorite kinds of essays to get at Typebar: Something that is academic yet approachable and fun.
Invisible Cities 2: Neopets as a Lived Space by @annacwebs.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/i...
This was an absolute blast to read. I learned a lot about Japan’s relationship to Sherlock Holmes.
Bringing Sherlock Holmes to the 21st Century (or The Adventure of Japan Having All the Fun) by @ostrichson.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/b...
Over reliance on tropes is setting SFF up for failure against the deluge of LLM sludge. A great essay!
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by @matthewclaxton.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/s...
I adored this essay on what was quite a shitty decade. If memory serves, this piece actually originated as a thread here on Bluesky!
Nostalgia Ends Here: The 2000s Sucked, Actually by @gwenckatz.bsky.social
Read all of these essays because they’re incredibly insightful!
Typebar Magazine Issue 2 is now free to the public. Nine incredible essays ranging from the useless malice of 2000s nostalgia to French sociology's relationship with Neopets. All free! FREE! www.typebarmagazine.com
Typebar Magazinewww.typebarmagazine.com An interesting thing to read on the internet.
We've finally caught on to the fact that social media is in its death throes and got a newsletter! We're gonna bombard you with so many fucking emails you have no idea. Sign up here!
Seize The Press Newsletterbuttondown.email Anticapitalist magazine of dark fantasy, bleak science fiction, and unsettling horror. Here for a bad time.
My piece about Micaiah Johnson's "Space Between Worlds" is now free for the public! Come read about my favorite piece of self-contained scifi since the first Matrix.
Lore Done Right: Micaiah Johnson’s The Space Between Worlds by @dashwallkick.bsky.social www.typebarmagazine.com/2024/05/29/l...