Karlo Yeager Rodríguez

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Karlo Yeager Rodríguez


Putting the hater in creator. Stories in Strange Horizons, BCS, khōreo, more. Host of Podside Picnic. He/Him
👋 I'm an Alberta based painter specializing in weather & space
easy to chalk the stuff in france up to some vague platitude about ~voting~ but it feels to me like more proof that you have to give people something to vote FOR, and that socialism remains better equipped to beat fascism than liberalism does! just one gal’s opinion
a small thought (I don't post a lot of Content on my patreon, but I do occasionally have small thoughts! I've also been archiving some of my once-published-but-no-longer-available short stories from long-defunct magazines, working forwards from the beginning) www.patreon.com/posts/around...
Around You, Close By | Vajra Chandrasekerawww.patreon.com Get more from Vajra Chandrasekera on Patreon
‘The crayon sang a beautiful song. I reveled in the pain of it burning my hand and drew that bastard Viking all in red.’ I can’t wait to read Matt’s new stories. Read his IZ story ‘When I Was the Red Baron’ in IZ 299 scarletferret.com/magazines/in... weightlessbooks.com/interzone-299/ 🖍️💥👇
I just received an acceptance e-mail for a short story (prose, not comics), about 6,000 words of dark fantasy/horror. My fourth acceptance. Two more stories are out making the submission rounds. Three stories are off for a critique. And four more are in early drafting stage. Onward. #write
Get more from INTERZONE on Patreoninterzone.press a European magazine publishing fiction & non-fiction
‘These waters which so many of us have traveled, upon and over, for fortune, for trade, for refuge, for livelihood – our ancestors’ tears and sweat have been cast into the salt of the sea and we begin with the acknowledgement of their presence in our bloods [...]’ from the intro of THE SEA IS OURS
ooooh--this story by @jolantru.bsky.social sounds excellent.
‘it’s a quiet story, which eschews the normal beats of [an sf] narrative and shows us just the epilogue, what comes after the end of the world’ Jonathan Laidlow reviews Joyce Ch’ng’s ‘The Barricade’ and Álex Souza’s ‘Amber Alert’ in @supernovareviews.bsky.social supernova.reviews/2024/07/06/i...
THE BARRICADE // IZ Digitalinterzone.digital ‘The sea is our home.’ // ‘The Barricade’, a story by Joyce Ch'ng with art by Emma Howitt
'I want the fresh, vibrant, vulnerable, messy, terrible, crushing, incredible big feelings we are all, still, feeling, somewhere, even when they’re hard to access. I want catharsis' To me this is a limited atitude. I want ideas, insights new to me, less demandingly I'll settle for being amused.
In Search of Big Feelings - Reactorreactormag.com What book last reduced you to tears? What took your breath away or made your heart race?
Well this is grim
I don't know where the balancing point is between "teachers are always incontrovertibly right" and "teachers are morons who don't know anything," but what I do know is that interactions like these are going to happen a lot more often when your cultural assumptions are basically at the latter point.
Well this is grim
Good to know Uzumaki seems to be finally coming after ending up in the Pluto Zone for jeez, like 4 years
The Father (triforce of wisdom), the Son (triforce of courage) and the Holy Spirit (triforce of power)
The whole "you can't have infinite growth on a finite planet " argument is really driven home by the fact that capitalism keeps leaning into shit like exploiting intellectual property and digital currencies. The imagination is the only truly boundless resource and it's all that's left to plunder
reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
picture below: the isabel fall guilty/neil gaiman innocent venn diagram
ancient desi proverb: if u make half a ton of biryani u will soon have a thousand friends
Looove biriyani. Know how to cook well. Don’t have 800 friends—introvert!
dozed off for half an hour, woke up with these on me, someone has been here
The newest TikTok trend is Bombadiling, where a Gen-Zer will film themself being a merry fellow wearing a bright blue jacket and boots that are yellow.
The West Wing gets kind of a bad rap, a lot of its politics hold up poorly but I think people misremember it as a show where every idea like this was just crazy enough to work, but a lot of the conflict came from the fact that they didn’t
Isn’t THE WEST WING textually opposed to the concept of replacing either POTUS or VEEP as nominees? Bartlett suffers no consequences for hiding his MS, and despite polls saying a change in VP might be smart, they stick to the original guy.
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT
It makes me sad when people misgender a nonbinary character and assign binary pronouns that I specifically avoided giving them in a story. Getting stories published with characters who have They/Them pronouns isn't easy. If I've taken that risk as a writer, your respect (or disrespect) means a lot.
The KomDiv is a very smart man who is aware that Rastovich is the most wanted man in the Bloc, and is going to try to betray him anyway. The result is a comic with enough blood you could fill a pool with it. kck.st/3VKwykC
Do you want John Wick action, a unique noir visual style, a ride-or-die romance, and more empty shell casings than you can count? Rent-A-Thug - La Cosa Glasnostra only has a few days left on Kickstarter, and needs help hitting stretch goals! kck.st/3VKwykC
Last day for the Countess give away. Thanks to everyone who retweeted. It's meant a lot to me. This is an indie book reaching ppl is #1. Queer Caribbean Anti Colonial Count of Monte Cristo inspired Space Opera your jam? Here you are! Be disruptive like Virika. www.goodreads.com/giveaway/sho...
Book giveaway for Countess by Suzan Palumbo Jun 06-Jul 06, 2024www.goodreads.com Enter to win one of 20 free copies available. Giveaway dates from Jun 06-Jul 06, 2024. Enter for a chance to win one of 20 advance copies of Countess by ...
Reading the Ring: starting to think this Ryuji guy might not be a cool dude!!