Nathalie D. Medina

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Nathalie D. Medina

in revisions for VILLAVIVOS - a 🇩🇴 yeehaw ACAB adventure
wife to
repping bx all day nyc all day
pushing back against the unspoken pressure to disclose all marginalizations in bio
proof of life post i dont know anything thats happening on the internet and im keeping it that way 👍👍 my sanity feels super tenuous and its my birthday month and i just want to know peace. even joy one day. i must believe i can achieve this
Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen
✨🌵MY COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN!🌵✨ Due to complicate personal circumstances, I lost my job, I need to open urgent comms to have some income till I find a new one. ✨ I'm taking Digital & Watercolor commisions. 🔹 Place here 👉 🔹 More info and TOS:
You should probably go ahead and make your art, because you're the only one that can do it. Frankly, someone's gonna need it someday
One day, it'll be a beautiful day, I'll have money to commission art again. It will be literally so glorious. Until then (touches fingers gently to screen)
Okay, let's celebrate! 🏳️‍🌈 This month there will be 20% discounts on art with couples in love. Romantic or steamy, sketch or full render, everything fits. Male characters only! (this is my area as an artist) Price: Portfolio: #Pride #commissionopen #art
help the lady give her a son a happy birthday. we should be gentle and loving and supportive of one another, especially our children 🩷 pls indicate agreement with a donation her way
PERIODTTTTT!!!!!!! PERIODDDDTTTTTTT!!!!!! i don't accept the AI inevitability. The idea is disgusting, and we must resist it. Let's expect excellence and reward originality. Challenge yourself as a reader, accustom yourself to deserving more! As writers, let's work on craft & give ourselves TIME.
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse by
the entire country is a joke that has gone on too long. I can imagine only too well what it's like to get told your whole life "work hard to change it from the inside" and DO IT and still be functionally powerless. kagan should set her chair on fire for her next dissent
As Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her dissent last Friday, “The majority disdains restraint, and grasps for power” — and the justices are “making a laughing-stock” of long-standing judicial principles.
The Supreme Court Is a Joke. It’s Not The justices accidentally, repeatedly referenced laughing gas in a disastrous ruling before declaring that judges know better than agency regulators.
a christian nation except when we have a problem with what christ said & just do evil shit instead
Regular reminder that the courts are not your friends, and there is no direct relationship between what is legal and what is just.
Tediously curating nuggets from the uselessness generator yielded something that isn't even half-assed; it's more like 35%-assed. This is careless work intended to make carelessness the common state of the world. Only distracted, indifferent people can look at this and say "Eh, sure, looks good."
Okayyyyyy you asked for lots of hard to draw stuff and I made a lot of nightmare fuel from those requests. In the end, we have 3 deep sea creatures that would prefer that we collectively do NOT destroy their homes via deep sea mining. Try recycling maybe, they say.
That’s the thing about voting. Or winning an election. Or passing a bill. It isn’t one-and-done. You don’t slay the dragon then it’s all happily ever after in the village. Democracy and progress are lifelong commitment. It’s a never-ending war against the forces of regression. Sometimes you lose.
I’m never going to say that voting is the path to our liberation. But if we don’t want to sacrifice a tremendous amount of Black, brown, Indigenous, queer, trans, and poor people, we HAVE to have both inside AND outside strategies. The system is fucked up. But we cannot concede it.
The New York Democratic Party can’t shift a Republican out of his seat for love or money but they’ll move heaven and earth to boot a progressive black guy in favor of a Reagan Democrat racist
WASHINGTON (AP) — George Latimer wins Democratic nomination for U.S. House in New York's 16th Congressional District, beating incumbent Jamaal Bowman.
Me Posting My Sorrows Is Not An Invitation to Hear Yours What About My Anguishes Makes You Think Adding Yours to the Horrors Endlessly On Play In My Head Will In Any Way Improve My Situation I Don't Want Commiseration My Misery Does Not Love Company
Please Do Not Be A Bummer In My Mentions
You do not need to use the machine that accepts 20 gallons of fresh water and spits out a recipe for cookies that includes cyanide. Really, its ok.
The genre of "Look at me using chatgpt and ai to dunk on chargpt and ai" will never not be both weird and like a little self serving. Yes, we know its inaccurate. We also know it's theft and like several hours of having every conceivable appliance in your house on power wise.
French cartoon from 2016. “We can judge a society of what it makes accessible.”
With “Project 2025,” rightwing leaders are making it maximally clear they do not accept an egalitarian, pluralistic vision of a society in which the individual’s status is no longer determined by race, gender, religion, and wealth and everyone is to be recognized as equal. 4/
They feel justified in taking radical measures to prevent that society from ever becoming a reality because they believe they are defending “real America” in service of a higher purpose: To restore what they see as the “natural” order, as it manifests in discriminatory hierarchies. 5/
This striking renunciation of the supposed pillars of modern conservative thought manifests most clearly in the open rejection of “small government” principles: Reactionaries don’t fear the authoritarian state, they want to mobilize it against their enemies. 7/
“Project 2025” captures a radicalization of long-standing anti-democratic impulses. Rarely will you get such a clear view of the heightened version of the type of siege mentality and self-victimization underlying so much of what has been happening on the Right. 6/
Maybe if we flood GenAI with enough Disney IP content they’ll just crumble into lawsuit limbo
Let it begin. 🔥
It is! It's godawful! Toys R' Us is a zombie brand and that commercial will likely never even make it to TV. Still, it might as well have been designed in a lab for the express purpose of demonstrating WHY faux-AI like Sora is useless for producing anything except inhumane pixelated clown shit. 🧵
Here we are in the dreamland of wonderful toys! I love toys. Some of my favorite toys include: 1. A trumpet with completely nonfunctional slide valves 2. The Incredible Hulk Bong 3. H.P. Lovecraft's Non-Euclidean Madness Mobile
I'm very comfortable thinking of these people as my enemies. Someone else can win them over. I want them defeated, marginalized, and bereft of hope.
If you ever experience something like this, take note that this doctor was willing to DIE rather than be called a “difficult patient” You make whatever noise you need to. Demand a second opinion, tell nurses, and by all means get the hospital’s risk management people involved. THAT will scare them.
This is my cat. Isn’t she great?
Very nice headline now let's see the pull quote
This is exactly what we need. Let’s go back to the good old days when executives did time.
"U.S. prosecutors are recommending to senior Justice Department officials that criminal charges be brought against Boeing, after finding the planemaker violated a settlement related to two fatal crashes, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters."
Exclusive: US prosecutors recommend DOJ criminally charge Boeing as deadline U.S. prosecutors are recommending to senior Justice Department officials that criminal charges be brought against Boeing after finding the planemaker violated a settlement related to two fatal crashes, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.