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Daughter Dad
Compassionate as possible, Blue AF
I don't answer questions.
תיקון עולם
🎶 🇺🇲🇺🇦🌊
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Like honestly I just wanna carve out a space for myself where I feel like I can live comfortably and sustainably enough while the world slowly crumbles over the coming decades
Reposted byAvatar Josh
I’m not giving in to fear, and I won’t belabor the point, but we all saw what he did and wanted to do over the four years of his regime. I implore you to make every effort to prevent it from happening again:
As someone who studies government, I want to say as clearly as possible that Trump 2.0 will not be the disorganized shitshow that the first term was. They have a credible plan to govern in an explicitly authoritarian model.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Hollywood executives then: the endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their houses Hollywood executives now: holy shit we’re about to start losing our houses
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Don't fall for it people
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Reposted byAvatar Josh
You miss 100% of the shots I take - Me as I steal a guy’s tray of drinks off the bar
Reposted byAvatar Josh
the CDC said people who want to can totally drink from the Broad Street pump and, in fact, it's recommended. mmmm tastes great!
Breaking News: The CDC said people with Covid may return to daily life if they don’t have a fever and are improving, dropping guidance to isolate for five days.
C.D.C. Shortens Isolation Period for People With Americans with Covid or other respiratory infections may return to daily activities if they don’t have a fever and their symptoms are improving.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Since I send/give hundreds of commands per day, I’m going to go ahead and claim Dom status.
I promised my neighbors I'd move their car for alternate side parking while they're in Costa Rica. Today I took Juno to the park in it, left it in a spot that's a weekday tow zone, locked it up, took the pup for her workout and lost the key. My life is average.
"Moby Dick is a book made mythic by the whale as much as it made a myth of the whale in turn. It is the literary mechanism by which we see the whale; the default evocation of anything whalish..." --The Whale, Phillip Hoare
If someone tells you a root canal isn't so bad you can nod and say, "It's bad enough."
With this we can get it all done with just one error.
Reposted byAvatar Josh
DeSantis had a failed campaign as a person, not a candidate. He couldn’t carry his model to the national level (no rizz), but the architecture of violence he drafted is just waiting for the right force behind it. He’s not going to be in the WH, but his ideas will be. That’s a problem.
not to mention the trans people he chased out of Florida and his anti-education crusade, both things that are now being nationalized
What's your transit time, love? #pickuplinesthatcare
What's your blood oxygen, baby? #pickuplinesthatcare
I expect you to know when to use "alack" vs "alas".
Reposted byAvatar Josh
Look, Biden could order Seal Team Six to assassinate Trump (according to his legal "theory") but Trump would just take them down with his bare hands.
Once in a while you get into a novel and it becomes more important than a lot of the news. That's a good novel.
"Condimentary" should be a word I'm just not sure what it should mean.
I don't give my dog pie. That's my pie.
Not: "Let's get this to trial because he's not guilty and we want to get this behind us." Instead: "He can't be prosecuted because reasons."
Someone popped a meeting into my Calendar with one-word subject, "Stress".
Reposted byAvatar Josh
wishing all orcas the best of luck in destroying every remaining yacht in existence, I believe in you all