Ian Livingston

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Ian Livingston


Extreme weather and climate reporter, Washington Post. Former Brookings foreign policy. #wx #dc #dogs #climatechange #python #gis

Article list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ugk4j0qO0R47uMi8nk7ADwI8-6MzoFBlrYnqeez0RII/edit?usp=sha
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One of Meta’s policy directors is a Project 2025 author.
Remember when Dorsey, Zuckerberg and Pichai were repeatedly hauled before Congress over allegations of liberal bias? Now we have a major social platform solely controlled by one of Trump's biggest backers. I wrote about what it means for X and the election. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Analysis | What Musk’s Trump support means for Xwww.washingtonpost.com Conservatives long accused Twitter of liberal bias. What happens now that its owner openly backs Trump?
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
it’s really funny how so many GOP Texans are IRATE about the existence of California, while people in California largely don’t think about Texas at all
Passed 95 already today in DC. 17 days in the last 4 weeks 95+, ties the most on record in a 28-day stretch. #dcwx #hell
I want to see the god did this people asked why god redirected a bullet to hit and kill a father in front of his kids.
Most of those folks don't even like him. Trump Jr just thinks its cool that he's from near Appalachia. Plus all the tech bro fash money.
Fyi to journalists: Hillbilly Elegy is not about the brave nobility of rural poor/working class people. It’s deeply insulting to rural poor people - presenting them as lazy addicts who rely on welfare instead of working. The book is about how amazing Vance was to escape that backwards culture.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
This is absolutely fucking amazing
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
“The increasing number of days with above-average temperatures means that the lack of air-conditioning can be a matter of life and death,” said Sheila Foster, a professor at the Columbia Climate School. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/17/n...
New York City Tenants Are Entitled to Heat. What About Air-Conditioning?www.nytimes.com Landlords have to keep tenants warm in the winter, but can leave them sweating in the summer. A city councilman wants to change that.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
more like antisocial media amirite
I always like these kinds of days for DC storms. We are simple storm folk. Give us CAPE after entrenched moisture and heat - add in an approaching cold front.
Best part about this weather is going on a walk. First 10 min eh not so bad. Then the flip switches and it feels like death.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
Bill o reilly is a serial sex abuser He and you can get fucked
Tuesday's average temperature of 92 in DC tied for the fifth hottest day on record since 1872. #dcwx
I'm gonna stick with nothing
Yesterday's low held, making it seven days 80 or higher for lows this year in DC. Ties the record with 2016 and 2011 for most in a year. Today only got to 83 but rain better chance later so we shall see. #dcwx
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
He does not look *happy*.
The man cheated death and now he has to walk into a crowded room and listen to Ted Cruz.
I listen to the 'ears' edition as a podcast. When he was like next up O'Reilly I was like wtf did I just hear. Then I listened and he mostly destroyed Bill's points. Why is everything a purity test now?
apparently Jon Stewart figures Bill O'Reilly is what passes for a Reasonable People Can Disagree* republican and is happy to help him sell books *as long as we don't talk about grotesque sexual harassment and toxic workplace abuse
'Find a respectable conservative': Jon Stewart slammed over Bill O’Reilly interviewwww.rawstory.com "The Daily Show" host and comedian Jon Stewart was under fire Tuesday night for having former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on the popular show to talk about political fanaticism and extreme rhetoric. ...
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
he looks equally rigid and uncomfortable and scared tonight. it's actually kinda weird, this is his whole deal
trump looks like shit lol. good
Logging in to chat with your buds on X like
Everyone still on Twitter should think hard about the fact that their eyeballs are raising money that Elon's giving to Trump.
Today laughs at other hot days this year. Still 99.
Films with a main subject that's science related shouldn't hide the science. No need to make a central theme but silly to pretend it's not thing.
"I just don’t feel like films are meant to be message-oriented," the director said... right on the heels of a Rare analysis showing how including climate in TV and movies "increased support for governmental action on climate change and boosted several hard-to-move attitudes on climate justice."
‘Twisters’ chose not to mention climate change. Here’s why | CNNamp.cnn.com The summer blockbuster puts nature’s ever-more destructive power in the spotlight. But like the titular twisters, there’s a hole at the center.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
Project 2025 is becoming the most searched term on Google, outperforming Taylor Swift.
Someone here likened Project 2025 to the DNC email hack of 2016 because they both involve the slow drip of bad news for the party and, while that’s true, Project 2025 is so much worse. Read it now before they wise up and take it down: www.project2025.org
Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Projectwww.project2025.org Presidential Transition Project The 2025 Presidential Transition Project paves the way for an effective conservative Administration based on four pillars.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
40 degrees Celsius in DC today 🥵
Has reached 104 according to NWS. Ties a record, third of those in a row (last two broke). #dcwx
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
Looking down on Bluefield, WV
Up to 103 in DC at 3p. Hottest day since July 2012. #dcwx #dmvwx
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
Pretty clear he was tapped exclusively to rally the SV donor class — Musk, Thiel, Andreessen — into getting in line and funneling untold cash into the RNC. Any other pretend explanation is just kayfabe.
Last year I signed up for Post.news and left a few days later when I found out Andreesen was connected. These folks are all the worst.
Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
Post Newspost.news Access journalism from premium publishers without subscriptions or ads. Discover, follow, and connect with diverse voices on topics you care about.
Reposted byAvatar Ian Livingston
Elon Musk claiming there's no longer a social stigma to being openly MAGA when he's clearly lost all of the people who pretended to be his friend over it and he is miserable every second of the day is at least a little comforting