
lol, band practice was fun because my bandmates have what i would characterize as left politics but normie media diets and they are both convinced there’s a conspiracy to elect donald trump that every columnist in america is in on and are ready to firebomb offices
(this is a very shorthand characterization don’t take it very seriously, but i don’t think the biden is unfit message is breaking through super well)
My dad esp thinks the whole thing is ridiculous
I'm seeing a thousand different takes, so buggered if I know what the general public think, but seems it'd be worth seeing if he can change people's minds first before going "Yeah, we agree with the enemy, he IS unfit"
People on here are very concerned about what other people are thinking tho
legit quote: why do i give a fuck what the new york times thinks, i thought biden sucked before the debate and thought he sucked after the debate, it doesn’t matter, he’s not a fascist
These are the kind of leftists I like, lol
And really I guess this is most of my IRL friends too. I sort of hate talking about politics with ANYONE out there because it's such a different information environment. I don't want to start snapping at people. I'm just glad everybody hates Trump lol.
Same applies to me and my car buddies. We have cars in common but avoid politics because #landmines
Oh I don't have any conservative friends; nothing like that! Just like normie libs and leftists who routinely have very odd mental models of how things work in the world of politics and government. I just have to keep my mouth shut and be glad they come to the right conclusions.
At least they get to the right conclusions! I have friends that for 20 years I didn't know their politics until 2016 and am amazed otherwise kind, thoughtful, smart people could fall into a cult.
There's the Biden billboard for every 50 miles of interstate
Sounds like your band is ok.
Chatting with my sister-in-law yesterday: "So, do you think Biden is going to be replaced?" [...] "Not like it matters anyway; we're all going to vote for Democrats regardless."
Listening to the radio host who's going to interview him is fascinating. The host is in on "this is a discussion inside the Democratic party [cites WaPo]". Almost every caller is pushing back with all the same points you see on here.
A Tough Talk (Hour 1) <p>Earl spends the hour discussing the conversations swirling around the media about the fitness of President Joe Biden to continue his campaign. He talks about the arguments against him and what the ...
The Anti-Media Citizen's Brigade of Why the Fuck Are We on Day 7 of This that has organized itself seemingly organically is something to behold. No one in authority is handing out these talking points; they are being divinely revealed through the power of Dem Juche.
It's nice to touch metaphorical grass and not get caught up in poster-speed ouroboros thinking
i’m Too Online, and even i am wondering whether The Media is trying to elect Trump. it’s concerning.
i think they are. their profits went up when he was in because everyone was panicking constantly and clicking on every new article. we all calmed down when he lost. they want that money back. they don't care that he'll kill us all, and the country itself, starting with them.
The New York Times certainly is. The Media writ large, less clear.
Severely normal people are good to interact with when you think poster’s madness has taken over the world.
I’ve heard WORSE ideas
Not sure I’d quite characterize it as “conspiracy”, but they’re basically right :P
I've said one upshot of this is a lot more people on the left side of the spectrum are going to get 🌋 pilled, and fast. Excellent strategy when your reader/viewership is already in freefall. Nice to read a confirming anecdote.