
anyone who thinks doing several different speeches a week from a teleprompter is easy has never been a public speaker.
The teleprompter attack on Biden is wild because Trump ran this playbook against Clinton in 2016, often from a teleprompter. It's amazing how many people who live and breathe this stuff have just totally forgotten...everything? Perhaps they need a cognitive screening?
like, there’s a reason trump just ad-libs everything and degenerates into long-winded rants and grievances in literally every speech, he can’t follow the teleprompter, we all watched this for four years, of all the stupid discourses, this is one of the stupidest
A fun challenge for folks at home is to find a five minute speech, any old text will do probably about a page typed, that they've never seen before; read it once; then record yourself reading it out loud for the first time. Unless you live for toastmasters you probably sound like shit.
I say this as a guy who spent ten years giving professional thirty minute talks about once a month. It's freaking hard, even with the prompts in front of you of stuff you wrote yourself, to keep on time and not riff and not stumble.
Playing shows on consecutive nights wreck me, and all I'm doing is playing largely the same songs and doing backup vocals.
not to mention that it's always the first time he's read the speech, hence his commenting on it ..."so true"
damn that pesky highly specific form of dementia that can be avoided with a teleprompter and radio interviews and SOTUs but rears its head during the first half hour of a debate.
everyone knows that old age dementia can be cured if you just have a teleprompter in front of you, dementia famously doesn’t impact your ability to focus and read aloud
also does not rob you of the ability to understand your words in context so you can still deliver them with the right tone, pacing, and emphasis. very tricky diagnosis.
taps the sign again (not dragging you btw):
Really don't want to have to post this every day: after watching pundits and political journalists at the NYT misunderstand and misrepresent infectious disease biology for the last four years, I'm not really eager to read their opinions about geriatric medicine.
this was the main thrust from that professor guy earlier this week and seeing it made me literally laugh out loud. a LLOL, if you will, pronounced in the Spanish fashion
Bill Clinton and Obama were so good at this, we just kind of got used to it.
i mean, they flubbed shit all the time, too, biden’s just worse at it for a variety of reasons, only one of which is relatively new (his age)
We also have social media today. You don't have to catch the flub live for millions of people to see it.