
The teleprompter attack on Biden is wild because Trump ran this playbook against Clinton in 2016, often from a teleprompter. It's amazing how many people who live and breathe this stuff have just totally forgotten...everything? Perhaps they need a cognitive screening?
Look, these are serious people who understand How Things Really Work, which is why they are doing teleprompter discourse
I've pointed out already it doesn't hold together super well; the guy is experience cognitive decline is fine as long as he's reading is not how language skills work!
People insist that speechifying off a teleprompter is easy for a man with literal brain damage (in their words) & I'm like, give it a try sometimes & see how easy it is
Many of people understood this perfectly well when Fetterman was having some narrow processing problems and got an accommodation for his debate. They are counting on us forgetting that
ah, but Fetterman hates the libs, did you consider--
I was cooler on Fetterman than a lot of his defenders, but what galls me is I reached across that divide and defended him because---heyo!---ableism is bad! Remember when that was something people said hourly! Do people remember ANYTHING from the last 16 years!?
Don't worry, they pulled out the "brain damaged" line the moment he started publicly supporting Israel. So that didn't last long.
How many Bar/Bat Mitzvah speeches have these people sat through who think reading a teleprompter and sounding good is easy? Because this is intelligent young people who have practiced and are usually reading off a piece of paper and they always sound terrible
Reading off of a script is easier than speaking extemporaneously but it's still hard! And some people who get gud at speaking extemporaneously can't read off a script well.
Arguably the hardest is actually half on script half off. You can easily lose your place.
I am or at least was a good public speaker. If you put a microphone in my hands I'm suddenly incompetent. None of this is a good sign of cognitive ability.
I can read off of notes like nobody's business. Can't memorize content for shit. And really, a president hasn't got the time to memorize even short speeches for multiple events each day when they have to be in meetings, read stuff, make final edits and give approval on speeches and remarks, etc.
This has been bothering me to no end! I really do think the treatment of dementia has been one of the most malicious things of this whole week.
I remember they pulled this shit on Obama, to the point that he had a whole gag at the White House Correspondents Dinner with a comically large and slow-moving teleprompter.
We are closely approaching the 4th anniversary of the “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV” moment.
They ran the teleprompter attack against Obama in 2008 too
And they did it to Obama before that! I think that's where it gained popularity as an attack because they were so mad that Obama was a great speaker.
I was required to give a toast at a friend's wedding a few weeks back. I really hoped I could do it off the cuff but in the moment I caved and read some of it off my phone. I am unfit for office. It's a relief, actually!
When I pointed out how they'd run the same attack on Obama, a friend asked if I'd read in the article that Biden used it in small gatherings and I had to wonder if he'd read the piece from just 6 weeks in: "…no other president has used one so consistently and at so many events, large and small."
Obama's safety net: the Textbook-sized panes of glass holding his prepared remarks follow POTUS wherever he speaks.
My kingdom for a national press who know what water is.