
In a week I want every person who called Biden a drooling corpse to be apologizing. I want then to actually crawl on their bellies, weeping. This gets my blood fucking *boiling*, man. Don't shit-talk elders like this.
Our elders are here with us today because they have endured great hardship and they have much wisdom to teach the rest of us and the fact the default American reaction to someone having their first wrinkle is to treat them as a lobotomite, much less how they act towards real elders, is vile.
Yes. The ageism and ableism I'm seeing from people who I thought knew better is appalling. *And* they don't recognize the violent, energetic form of dementia that seems to have taken Trump.
Only one of these two men got a real *sgili* riding them, and it's not Biden. These people'd let the Devil himself run the table on them so long as he did it with a shit-eating grin. Fucking freaky masochists.
There's a geriatrician writing in the New York Times who agrees with you: "Ours is a culture that greatly undervalues the potential contributions of older people who have so much to offer in terms of care, mentorship and experience and instead consistently portrays them as burdensome."
Also can they please feel *some* shame for doing all they possibly can to endanger democracy.
Americans view feeling shame as cruel and unusual punishment. Even *implying* that someone should be ashamed is seen as a hate crime.
And yet, *especially* after this interview, there are lots of people who need to feel shame who won't, and in fact will see someone like me as a stupid, naive sap who needs to pull their head out of their ass.
And I'm sorry, I don't care how long we've known each other, if you're talking about an elder like this you're dead to me. Feel deep, burning shame the rest of your life and sink down into the Netherworld when you die.
I would prefer that Biden was able to retire happily, and that he could have watched Beau pull this off. Sadly we’re not in that timeline so I’ll keep backing Joe until he decides to step back
Even if I didn't think he was the best strategic choice I wouldn't be the folks running around calling him a half-vegetable or whatever. Figures the people who are ignorant as shit are also mean as shit
Where’s the happy medium between Catholic and evangelical???
Adherents to the KKKult of SSavvy
If you’ll pardon the Maoist Standard English
I will not make predictions on whether Biden drops out or whether Trump is reelected but I feel fairly confident in saying that none of these people will feel any shame or accept any responsibility
Nobody ever does. I think my largest source of acute rage is at how little the villains of contemporary American history (let alone history at large) are held accountable for their crimes.
They'll feel a twinge of realization the nanosecond the door drops from under their feet.
I went through this in 2020. The odds are higher they'll block you & pretend they never said anything.
Oh they don't got to worry about blocking me. I don't care if you were my first mutual on here, zero tolerance policy.
I haven't blocked any mutuals for expressing concern over the idea that Harris might run a stronger campaign... yet. He's all but certain to be the nominee & either they can do an about face or fuck off.
I ain't got tolerance for even that, man. Anyone want to put a coconut in their profile they can do it behind a block because you're lost the fucking plot.
The people who just really seem to be into the idea of Harris running I find odd but harmless
I’m just going to ignore them for the moment as long as they don’t dip into senility memes
The available evidence is that they run a stronger campaign together! IDK about anybody else, but the record of wins over Term #1 buy some wait-and-see from me.
They're one hundred percent just gonna ball it out, they're going to claim he's decaying in front of our eyes no matter what happens. They're doing it in my mentions right now.
I got a list of people who say they'll fall in line after the convention and I doubt a single person on it will skip a beat on switching to third-party/write-in Kamala bullshit.
Did everyone on the left bandwagoning with the NYT to demand Biden step down and Harris be the nominee completely forget about Cop-mala because I have a feeling some folks are going to stop forgetting about Cop-mala if that happens. Not that it’s per se wrong, but dishonest to hide that outcome.
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Absolutely this! Thank you.